⭐Asha, the saxophonist + Rising Star Opening Pack + Purchase of a unique card + Stats⭐



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This is the story of Asha.

In the crowded streets of Manila in the Philippines, a little baby named Asha was born. Her family, like most people in her country, was humble, living in an environment where poverty was constant and where they survived day to day. When she was little, Asha had been attracted by the sound of a saxophone, which she had seen in a small old TV store that was on the street near her house.

At 14, Asha had found an old sax in a second-hand market, and with the little money she had, she decided to buy it and take it to be restored to get more use out of it. Thus, little by little, Asha's career began. She could not pay anyone due to lack of money, but she went to the municipal band to see how people played and she watched the old TV store asking the owner to put a music channel on for her.

As she grew up, Asha polished her talent little by little. One of her goals was to start playing at events and if she got some money to help her family, she would be more than grateful to God.

It was only at the age of 18 that Asha managed to get into a rather important event, it was a music festival where more than 10 thousand people attended annually. Even though she was going as an opening act, it was a unique opportunity for her.

Thanks to this opportunity, Asha was recorded on many people's cell phones and began to go viral on social media. A music producer managed to see the video and decided to support her to record a couple of singles. Asha's dream was slowly coming true, but that wasn't all. She wanted more.

As she grew up and her name became known, Asha wanted more. She had managed to help her family move to a neighborhood in a city that was a little more efficient in terms of health services. Now she was going to create a musical foundation for those street children who will rarely have any opportunity in life. He achieved it.

With the creation of the Sueños Musicales Foundation, his goal was more than fulfilled. All he had to do was enjoy everything he had achieved over the years and be a happy person.

Currently my account consists of:



Today I decided to open packs (I clarify that it was after taking the status screenshots) so I'm going to show you what I got:




This pack opening was pretty normal, I got aesthetically nice cards.

Apart from this, I'm also going to buy a UNIQUE card (that is, I don't have it in my collection) to improve little by little and it's the following:


If you are interested in playing RisingStar, here is my referral link

You can also join the official discord server to chat with other players and resolve all your doubts through the following link




Esta es la historia de Asha.

En las calles abarrotadas de gente de Manila en Filipinas, habia nacido una pequeña bebe de nombre Asha. Su familia como la mayoria de la gente de su pais era humilde, vivian en un entorno donde la pobreza era constante y donde sobrevivian con el dia a dia. Cuando era pequeña, Asha se habia sentido atraida por el sonido de un saxofon, el cual habia visto por una pequeña tienda de TV vieja que estaba en la calle cercana a su casa.

A los 14 años, Asha habia encontrado un saxo viejo en un mercado de tercera mano, y con el poco dinero que ella tenia decidio comprarlo y llevarlo a restaurar para sacarle mayor provecho. Asi poco a poco iniciaba la carrera de Asha, ella no podia pagar a nadie por la falta de dinero pero concurria a la banda municipal para ver como tocaba la gente y veia en la vieja tienda de TV pidiendole al dueño que le ponga un canal de musica.

A medida que iba creciendo, Asha iba puliendo su talento de a poco. Uno de los objetivos que tenia era empezar a tocar en eventos y si conseguia algo de dinero para ayudar a su familia iba a estar mas que agradecida con Dios.

Recien a la edad de 18 años, Asha lograba entrar a un evento un tanto importante, era un festival musical donde concurria mas de 10mil personas anualmente. Si bien iba como telonera, era una oportunidad unica para ella.

Gracias a esta oportunidad, Asha fue grabada en el celular de muchas personas y comenzo a ser viral en redes sociales. Una productora musical logro ver el video y decidio apoyarla para grabar un par de singles. El sueño de Asha se estaba realizando poco a poco, pero esto no era todo. Ella queria mas.

A medida que crecia y su nombre se hacia conocido, Asha queria mas, habia logrado ayudar a su familia a mudarse a un barrio de una ciudad un poco mas eficiente en cuanto a servicios de salud. Ella ahora iba a realizar una fundacion musical para aquellos niños de la calle que rara vez tendran alguna oportunidad en la vida. Lo logro.

A partir de la Fundacion Sueños Musicales, su objetivo estaba mas que cumplido. Simplemente le quedaba de disfrutar todo lo que habia logrado con el paso de los años y a ser una persona feliz.

Actualmente mi cuenta consta de:



Hoy decidi hacer una apertura de packs (aclaro que fue despues de tomar las capturas de status) por lo que voy a mostrarles que me salio:




Esta apertura de packs fue bastante normal, me salieron cartas esteticamente lindas.

aparte de esto tambien voy a comprar 1 carta UNICA (Es decir que no la tengo en mi coleccion) para ir mejorando de a poco y es la siguiente:


Si te interesa jugar a RisingStar te dejo mi link de referido

También puedes unirte al servidor oficial de discord para chatear con otros jugadores y resolver todas tus dudas a través del siguiente enlace

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