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I agree haha, like infinite bundles of joy!
Cats are smart in that way, although if they have to get it liquid and quite a bit of it, it's harder to give them, I really don't like it. Sometimes you have to though, when they're too small for tablets..
Thankfully, they will not cuddle me any less even when I harass them with meds :)
Huh I quite find it easier if it’s liquid form, squirt it with the syringe and they’re good to go🤣 but yeah I guess I haven’t tried getting more ml of liquid that you have to squirt it little by little cos they can already fight it if it’s the second time lol.
Geez I hate those tabs that are too big tho. Mew was 4 months old when we took him to the vet for parvo, coronavirus, and giardia (he survived luckily :D) and they had prescribed him a tablet that’s so big even I can’t imagine myself taking it whole haha. I had to divide it into 8 pieces, that means giving it to him 8x with his tiny throat 😓
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