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RE: What a #ttt Post Can Achieve

the first 2 i do remember the last one is new for me , i dumped all my casette tapes back in 1990 i think and started using cd only ;) and now the addic is filled with old cd's and DVD's and we only use FLAC , WMA and MP3 files :)

o well something from the old days but still relevant ; )

0E-8 BEE

Good old Nena, she is still going strong!

0.01441741 BEE

Haha, NENA cool This was the time where I didnt buy music ;-) I was sitting in front of the radio, waiting for the song to record and hoping the moderators wouldnt speak in at the end ;-) and yes, you know, I am that nostaligic soul, still hanging on analog music devices. Whenever Internet shuts down, I still can hear my music ;-)
nice to hear from you, hope youre doing well !LUV

1.8E-7 BEE

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0E-8 BEE

i used to record music the same way MONO in the beginnig but atleast we had that song and played it over and over again :D , I'm doing fine not reall active with the camera at the moment but more in to computer games again . And how is your health going making any progress ?

0E-8 BEE