Hello there! How cool are these bug pictures as well as those from inside the wind tower.. man, getting dizzy just from looking at them. It's good there are people like yourself who dedicate their time (spent well) to do maintenance in these things.. I would be worthless :)
Sending hugs over there from sunny Spain :)
Thanks for the uplift, and the hugs and sun 🙏🏽😌
Worthless sounds very harsh in my opinion 😆
Sorry for the frosty hugs from over here 🥶
Haha, well I know myself very well and climbing that thing would result in a nightmare in many ways so yeah, worthless hehe. I could take pictures that look fabulous though, so there's that :)
Oh well the frosty hugs even out the warm ones over here, it's fine!
Have a fab weekend!
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