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RE: Croce Plays Croce: An evening out

I wasn't familiar with AJ until today, but I loved his father's music. The man was a legend. But imagine growing up surrounded by legends like Ray Charles and Sam Cooke. Wow! I heard Ray Charles live once, he put on an amazing performance!

Hung Up is a really good song, I'm glad you shared that one. I'm going to have to dig deeper into some of his material. I bet he was good playing his dad's material as well!

0.00042547 BEE

AJ's catalog of original material is definitely worth checking out. He told a funny story about how Sam Cooke and some other guy used to have Ray drive them home when they were too drunk. He had so many great stories. He also has a song that his dad started but never finished, so he finished it himself.

0.00091752 BEE

That is pretty cool, Ray driving is a scary concept!

0.00320175 BEE