Dinner and Conversation: An update from @a4xjeeper


It was sometime before Christmas when I turned to @mrsbozz and mentioned that we haven't gotten together with @a4xjeeper and his wife lately. I reached out to him to see if we could meet for dinner, but due to the business of the holiday season and family obligations it wasn't going to work out.

It wasn't very surprising then that he reached out to me last week asking if we were able to get together on Friday or Saturday evening for dinner. I knew we had some stuff going on Saturday, so I picked Friday and after a little back and forth about where we should meet, the date was set.


You might recall from my previous posts that @a4xjeeper is in the process of moving his business to a new location and it has been anything but a smooth process for him. It started with permit issues to have a portion of the wall removed on his new building so he can put in rolling doors to pull his trucks inside at night.

Once that was all settled, he started having issues with people cutting through his parking lot via a pass through.


The initial solution was to put up concrete barriers, but that caused two more problems. First, someone decided to shove them out of the way. Then, it also caused outrage among the lazy members of the community who used that pass through (illegally) as a shortcut.


After things died down with the community a bit (after ten minutes they found something new to complain about), he moved the barriers back and decided to plow the snow into them to keep them more secure.

That's when the real fun started.

Although my friend tried to work out a mutually beneficial agreement with the owner of the neighboring property, said owner is a bit of a douche canoe and he was unwilling to work with @a4xjeeper to reach a resolution. In fact, he took things one step further by hiring a company to unknowingly remove the barriers that were placed there by my friend.

As my friend watched a truck load the barricades that he had paid for an haul them off, he dialed up the police. The officers caught up with the contractor somewhere down the road who explained he had been hired by the owner of the other business to remove the barricades.

Last I knew charges are being filed against the other owner for theft, a couple other things, and even possibly organized crime because he commissioned the other contractor to unknowingly commit a crime. It's pretty juicy.


So now my friend is looking at putting in a landscaping barrier to permanently block off that access. Apparently due to how much of an asshat this other guy is, the city is more than willing to work with my buddy just to spite the other guy. Pretty funny right?

Meanwhile, work continues on the building. They took the temporary wall down the other day.



Anchor bolts were put in place and the steel beams were delivered to create the support and framing for the rolling doors. When we met last weekend he was expecting that by the end of this week the doors would be in place. I haven't heard from him yet (besides these photos) to see if that actually happened.



I'm going to to really happy when all of this is finally complete and he is able to just move forward with operating his business. I know that all of these city council meetings and delays with construction have been stressful on him. I am sure he just wants to get back to some kind of normal. I also look forward to seeing what the building looks like when he has it all completed.


Meanwhile, dinner was pretty amazing. We went to a local place called The Wheelhouse. It's connected to a roller skating rink and though it kind of looks like a dump, they serve pretty good food at a decent price as you can see in the photos above.

I got the burger you see in the opening photo and @mrsbozz got the club sandwich pictured above.

I've gotta say, I am getting pretty dang good at taking food pictures. @kommienezuspadt better watch out! :)



I was surprised that my wife picked waffle fries for her side item as she usually leans towards onion rings. Due to that fact, I ended up getting the onion rings so that she could sneak one or two for herself. As expected, she graciously offered me a couple of waffle fries in return.

In all, it was a really great Friday evening with some good food and great conversation. @mrsbozz and I have a pretty small circle of friends, so social occasions like this outside of our immediate families is a rare treasure.

As in the past, I will be adding @a4xjeeper as a beneficiary to this post as he took the site photos of the building.

Sports Talk Social - @bozz.sports


All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced

0.64603162 BEE

I sometimes wonder why people are sometimes just such a pain :D Can't we all just get along, haha. And hey, those photos of the waffle fries got my juices going....I love a waffle fry.

0.00077887 BEE

Yeah, I think some people really get off on just being a dick. It's sad really. The fries were dang good. Though the onion rings were on point too!

0E-8 BEE

Glad to see they are moving ahead and getting things fixed up. That permanent feature is a smart move, landscaping will cut off their old shortcut for good!

Food looks awesome! Looks like a great Friday night!

0.00066109 BEE

It really was! Funny story, as we were sitting there eating his phone kept going off because he was getting alerts from the camera he set up showing people driving over the curb to go from his parking lot to the other one!

0E-8 BEE

Running a business is a series of challenges. Not fun if your neighbour is such a pain. I hope he can get on with things.

0.00064977 BEE

Thanks, I think he is finally on a good road now. It seems he has the right people on his side, so hopefully things go smoother for him.

0.00000943 BEE

This is really delicious, I like to enjoy it when I go to town ☺️

0.00064902 BEE

This place is surprisingly good.

0E-8 BEE

Such drama for something so simple. Sheesh. Hope the police work with him and it all gets worked out soon.

0.00065063 BEE

From what he said, the police called the other guy when the contractor said that is who hired him and apparently the other owner was screaming at the cops, so I think they are definitely on his side.

0E-8 BEE

What a nightmare your friend is having sadly so many people are asshats these days


0.00065067 BEE

Yeah, it's horrible. Hopefully he is on the better side of it now.

0E-8 BEE


0.00065455 BEE

It sounds similar to some shenanigans we've had in my home County, in North Carolina.
I write a political/civics journal on Facebook and keep it level-headed and as objective as I can.
People tend to pay attention to ethics a bit more when they are being reported on fairly.

That is hilarious that your friend's neighbor has aggravated the Town leaders so much that they are willing to hop to on enforcement. Some people are so obstinate and self-focused that they become their own worst enemy.


0.00064850 BEE

Haha yes, that is definitely true. This guy has a pretty nasty reputation throughout the town. It appears to be a family thing too as my dad used to work with his brother and apparently he wasn't much better. People definitely tend to mind better when they know they could be called to account.

0E-8 BEE

Man that sucks your friend has to put up with such an ass hat for a neighbor. I am sure they will provide him more complaints in the future as well once he starts operating. People are just like that. They seem to want to spill their perceived misery onto others or create drama for drama sake.

Good looking food too. Sometimes the dumpy looking places have the best food.

0.00064653 BEE

Thanks, yeah, unfortunately if the community decides to rally behind the other guy without all the information it could be a hard road for my friend. Hopefully that doesn't end up being the case though.

4.2E-7 BEE

I hope so too. Good luck to em'.

0.00065042 BEE

Hey @bozz, here is a little bit of BEER from @alohaed for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

0E-8 BEE