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RE: My lil collection of magnets on the fridge

I remeber reading Steve's (mypathtofire) fridges magnet post.
As soon as I saw your cockerel I went Portugal Super Eli!!
Funnily enough we bought a couple in Amsterdam and a couple of the puffins in the Farne islands Super Eli 💙

0.00005258 BEE

I saw Steve's as well starting the month, but this morning when I saw Paloma's I felt like writing about mine, jeje.
You sure have a few in addition to your new acquisitions so I'd like to see your collection Super Ed 💙.

0E-8 BEE

Hehe I am in CBA mode with Hive Super Eli, so the chances of seeing them are next to non existent 💙

Love Ya GIF by Pen Pals

0E-8 BEE