Each day votes from members of our Archon Community are tracked and a top 10 list is kept by GP (Governance Power). This includes any post across HIVE, not just Archon posts. If a post stays on this list longer than 1 day, it is because Archon users keep voting on that post! Basically it's a top 10 current posts as selected by our community!
User | Archon Miner Balance | Archon Rewards (50/50 stake/liquid) | Hive Rewards |
@upfundme | 11.646000 | 3.5160159193452296 | 0.069 |
@taskmanager | 15.010000 | 4.643719641883212 | 0.34900000000000003 |
@ash | 1.022526 | 0.08745081349342262 | 0 |
@romiferns | 1.309702 | 0.1120113379356247 | 0 |
@pixelfan | 3.380000 | 1.129072111230197 | 0.069 |
@blue.rabbit | 13.420000 | 4.9277360155944505 | 0.07 |
@ecoinstant | 50.000000 | 13.096214663168595 | 0.41700000000000004 |
@quintaesencia | 33.000000 | 7.862301677691272 | 0.139 |
@investinthefutur | 1.700000 | 0.9853912985477322 | 0 |
@ironshield | 1.000000 | 0.5055242932633719 | 0 |
@mpath | 5.400000 | 1.7218311836222084 | 0 |
@ecoinstats | 94.500000 | 29.082045713388663 | 0.6280000000000001 |
@melinda010100 | 43.299100 | 14.623124926440067 | 0.14100000000000001 |
@bidnat | 1.000000 | 0.5055242932633719 | 0 |
@bwar | 14.000000 | 2.457340105687207 | 0.07 |
@dera123 | 16.270218 | 6.011498895690993 | 0.07 |
@miketr | 8.500000 | 1.5669564927386612 | 0 |
@lightcaptured | 6.000000 | 1.3531457595802314 | 0.071 |
@bashadow | 5.321000 | 0.8750747644544019 | 0 |
@ammonite | 2.020660 | 0.17281551842556508 | 0 |
@xyzashu | 48.107162 | 11.674331030956541 | 0.34900000000000003 |
@dylanhobalart | 1.246654 | 0.5266192022939556 | 0 |
@accelerator | 1.400000 | 0.11973401056872067 | 0 |
@khan.dayyanz | 10.000000 | 2.9552429326337193 | 0 |
@dm312 | 1.000000 | 0.5055242932633719 | 0 |
@ufm.pay | 15.000000 | 4.222864398950579 | 0.069 |
@camiloferrua | 13.993371 | 2.8767731651471635 | 0.21000000000000002 |
@rycharde | 1.000000 | 0.9255242932633718 | 0 |
@mfblack | 1.578740 | 0.13502062274661578 | 0 |
@archon-gov | 39.492242 | 13.037546086436054 | 0.48900000000000005 |
@eturnerx | 1.167118 | 0.5198169421049601 | 0 |
@cwow2 | 5.000000 | 2.1076214663168593 | 0 |
@prize.hoard | 13.617168 | 2.8445986694486036 | 0 |
@roleerob | 10.000000 | 4.215242932633719 | 0.14 |
@taskmaster4450 | 31.085244 | 11.898543524019473 | 0.139 |
@thecrazygm | 1 | 0.08552429326337191 | 0 |
@discohedge | 89.002000 | 24.83183314902663 | 0.7710000000000001 |
@atma.love | 7.058603 | 1.8636820330017168 | 0.139 |
@travelcontest | 1 | 0.08552429326337191 | 0 |
@definethedollar | 2.000000 | 0.17104858652674382 | 0.07 |
@solairitas | 1.3 | 0.11118158124238349 | 0 |
@sandymeyer | 11.700826 | 2.6807048742476867 | 0 |
@enforcer48 | 30.000000 | 8.865728797901157 | 0.279 |
@eirik | 7.637302 | 1.4931748559889368 | 0 |
@avellana | 6.000000 | 0.9331457595802315 | 0 |
@brofundholdings | 43.982136 | 14.681541097613508 | 0.071 |
@jelly13 | 35.049793 | 6.35760877535248 | 0.21000000000000002 |
@richardcrill | 6.262569 | 2.6356017877381017 | 0.07 |
@jelly-cz | 28.563237 | 7.4828506577391956 | 0.139 |
@ecosaint | 3 | 1.5165728797901157 | 0 |
@honeysaver | 2.563727 | 1.0592609397952246 | 0.14100000000000001 |
@seckorama | 3.273880 | 0.27999627322908804 | 0 |
@notaboutme | 13.700000 | 3.271682817708195 | 0.34700000000000003 |
@coloneljethro | 1.223625 | 0.10464966334439345 | 0 |
@bilpcoinbpc | 3.451414 | 0.7151797431093074 | 0 |
@mapac | 2.050000 | 0.5953248011899124 | 0 |
@sinistry | 1.457202 | 0.12462617119197208 | 0.07 |
@dagger212 | 5.550000 | 0.8946598276117141 | 0 |
@roger.remix | 4.004422 | 1.1824753614782981 | 0 |
@gank | 2.000000 | 0.5910485865267439 | 0 |
@preparedwombat | 1.000000 | 0.9255242932633718 | 0.139 |
@saboin | 1.000000 | 0.08552429326337191 | 0 |
@wine-cellar | 5.000000 | 1.6876214663168596 | 0 |
@matheusggr | 2.552413 | 1.0582933179412428 | 0 |
@jacuzzi | 1.053341 | 0.5100862445903334 | 0.07 |
@b4phom3t | 4.000000 | 2.0220971730534876 | 0 |
@nyxlabs | 2.604000 | 1.0627052596578204 | 0.28 |
@sicarius | 4.008256 | 0.76280326161867 | 0.07 |
@themarkymark | 10 | 2.535242932633719 | 0.14 |
@bidding | 21.235000 | 3.0761083674477026 | 0 |
@jellycz | 19.000000 | 5.404961572004066 | 0 |
@pokerarena | 9 | 2.449718639370347 | 0.07 |
@coolpoolparty | 1.007723 | 0.08618479738024493 | 0 |
@bridz | 9 | 2.449718639370347 | 0 |
@pokerarema | 16.5 | 6.031150838845637 | 0.07 |
@dbooster | 1.463757 | 0.12518678293431348 | 0 |
@heruvim1978 | 2.500000 | 0.6338107331584297 | 0.069 |
@chunkysoupsvc | 1.000000 | 0.08552429326337191 | 0 |
@rarej | 3.000000 | 0.2565728797901157 | 0 |
@pieternijmeijer | 1.600000 | 1.396838869221395 | 0 |
@vintherinvest | 1.642750 | 0.5604950327584042 | 0 |
@crypto-is-a-scam | 3.000000 | 1.0965728797901158 | 0 |
@imno | 4.150000 | 0.7749258170429935 | 0 |
@technocrypton | 1.000000 | 0.5055242932633719 | 0 |
GP = (((staked ARCHON / total staked archon) / 2) * 100) + (((ARCHONM Bal / Total active ARCHONM) / 2) *100)
GP will soon start playing an important role on Archon. As the governance system grows, a users GP will represent their power to shape it. The first use (a small use but a use) is using your GP to effect the top ten posts above.
Position | Archon User | Archon Stake | Miner Balance | GP % |
1 | @discohedge | 24830.0770414 | 89.002000 | 8.884278179005861 |
2 | @ecoinstats | 12796.50053811 | 94.500000 | 7.012641943667994 |
3 | @ecoinstant | 21921.63797835 | 50.000000 | 6.413357926340018 |
4 | @xyzashu | 12169.76880971 | 48.107162 | 4.578870910399029 |
5 | @melinda010100 | 11988.29338244 | 43.299100 | 4.305851930402557 |
6 | @jelly13 | 13908.93241541 | 35.049793 | 4.235619570606408 |
7 | @chronocrypto | 15966.69001748 | 0.860000 | 2.8915283828938962 |
8 | @quintaesencia | 5906.26477758 | 33.000000 | 2.705337567712524 |
9 | @taskmanager | 10558.81020924 | 15.010000 | 2.6349605116353607 |
10 | @taskmaster4450 | 5638.19269795 | 31.085244 | 2.56167952503114 |
11 | @brofundholdings | 447.7310647 | 43.982136 | 2.281181395311689 |
12 | @enforcer48 | 1829.63661898 | 30.000000 | 1.8279100175061784 |
13 | @upfundme | 5784.25168708 | 11.646000 | 1.6148027695506786 |
14 | @pixelfan | 7398.40947301 | 3.380000 | 1.489058135404591 |
15 | @jelly-cz | 260.08367156 | 28.563237 | 1.4759890583662154 |
16 | @brofund | 7001.38785935 | 0.000000 | 1.2490598255545957 |
17 | @richardcrill | 4720.3234127 | 6.262569 | 1.1555554482771468 |
18 | @sandymeyer | 3072.3178132 | 11.700826 | 1.1337330693507557 |
19 | @bidding | 325.58509701 | 21.235000 | 1.1208964511592436 |
20 | @kryptodenno | 5779.39655671 | 0 | 1.0310544423409804 |
21 | @sbi-tokens | 3406.03831691 | 8.322132 | 1.0241657951330292 |
22 | @roleerob | 2709.83857032 | 10.000000 | 0.983939817807983 |
23 | @jellycz | 92.31845036 | 19.000000 | 0.9674195500810272 |
24 | @blue.rabbit | 1566.52556322 | 13.420000 | 0.9511417398760451 |
25 | @dera123 | 598.31274877 | 16.270218 | 0.921064259793212 |
26 | @imagenius.dac | 5000.63646506 | 0 | 0.8921222814942971 |
27 | @ufm.pay | 594.44647602 | 15.000000 | 0.856800113971443 |
28 | @miketr | 2409.98435601 | 8.500000 | 0.855370319713864 |
29 | @pokerarema | 95.32263589 | 16.5 | 0.842830531336298 |
30 | @prize.hoard | 627.79600247 | 13.617168 | 0.7935390023632862 |
31 | @notaboutme | 275.74187254 | 13.700000 | 0.7348776711730355 |
32 | @camiloferrua | 127.48762605 | 13.993371 | 0.7231120697092922 |
33 | @bwar | 112.33928585 | 14.000000 | 0.7207413607257002 |
34 | @khan.dayyanz | 456.49118171 | 10.000000 | 0.5819387070750016 |
35 | @roger.remix | 2033.77439944 | 4.004422 | 0.5632501800250761 |
36 | @enginewitty | 2882.50107306 | 0 | 0.514243227172322 |
37 | @atma.love | 878.57142674 | 7.058603 | 0.5100216747969185 |
38 | @themarkymark | 28.09488 | 10 | 0.5055120584402545 |
39 | @bashadow | 1275.52994072 | 5.321000 | 0.4938727573992634 |
40 | @pokerarena | 116.09686548 | 9 | 0.47116177811299015 |
41 | @bridz | 88.2343067 | 9 | 0.46619104895066055 |
42 | @eirik | 464.53447356 | 7.637302 | 0.4651206371914543 |
43 | @focus.folks | 2402.57831152 | 0.602566 | 0.4587825893229184 |
44 | @sports-gov | 2550.53382463 | 0 | 0.4550196901045854 |
45 | @archon-gov | 2452.53509964 | 0 | 0.43753654636228945 |
46 | @steem-holder | 2285.05594258 | 0.000000 | 0.40765797215617267 |
47 | @kachinhenry | 2261.53339548 | 0 | 0.403461508659569 |
48 | @seckorama | 1225.29060203 | 3.273880 | 0.3824516396078076 |
49 | @avellana | 314.51523128 | 6.000000 | 0.3564099963792944 |
50 | @ecosaint | 1137.86564831 | 3 | 0.35314718434328474 |
ARCHON's most recent trade was at 0.07603000 SWAP.HIVE and had a 24 hour volume of 4.63853546 SWAP.HIVE.
Best buy is at 0.07603000 and best sell is at 0.07604000.
24 hour change: -0.01%%
Market Link
ARCHONM's most recent trade was at 43.99998000 SWAP.HIVE and had a 24 hour volume of 177.36180357 SWAP.HIVE.
Best buy is at 34.00000000 and best sell is at 43.00000000.
24 hour change: 0%%
Market Link
Archon Miners are still in testing phase!
Every hour 20 miners are selected to receive an Archon reward, and 1 miner is selected to receive a HIVE reward.
Archon rewards come 50% staked.
MinerBot: 0.13
Ver. 0.13 (Aug. 22nd, 2020) notes: Bugfix for curated posts tables.
Thank you for adding me.