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but still concentrated rewards, and accomplishing almost nothing.
Are you saying that bootstrapping the currency by distributing it widely to achieve the network effect is not what we are doing here?
Because I thought mass adoption lies through enticing participation broadly, and not just a few bag holders divvying up the spoils.
As to the concentration of the rewards, doesn't that lay at specific accounts' doorstep?
These accounts have names and real people controlling them.
Whoever is providing the gold makes the rules. There is no way out of that.
There is one way, but nobody likes to choose it, because it comes at a loss of comfort.
Comfortable slaves never rebel.
@enforcer48 may prove to be right, until the price drops below a dime there will be no changes.
Buying in doesn't make sense at a higher price.
The return in power is too low.
Time will tell.
Not very well, no. The actual, active human, non-bot, non-spammer user base is very small, and even in that small group the rewards are relatively concentrated (but still not enough to attract real influencers who might in turn grow the user base), and even more importantly the user base is not growing.
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