I am perhaps a bit sensitive about this issue, generally its something that I haven't spoken much about. But its coming up more in the general conciousness.
The sadness of happy pills gave me some additional motivation today, its a pharMafia world and yes, it is related to everything else going on.
I guess to start this out I should reveal that I started taking meth at 9 years old. On the advice of my doctor of course.
When I was 11 I started secretly throwing it in the garbage. When my parents found out (through a fink I never forgave), I was given a couole of good smacks and told I had probably killed a baby or something when they found my medication in the trash.
Thinking back, this was the first time I realized that the adults in my life were completely full of shit, hypocrites that could not be trusted. I mean, if this drug was so dangerous for babies why were they giving it to me? It became obvious to me that they were given it to me to help themselves.
Shortly thereafter I realized the truth about santa and the tooth fairy, and this only confirmed for me further that these people did not have my best interests in mind.
I am pretty sure this loss of trust never entered my parents minds. Would they have done something differently had I been able to articulate these words then?
By 13 I was off the drugs. I'm not sure I remember how exactly I managed it, but my parents had only become more hypocritical with the drugs as I became ever more rebellious. I remember that on weekends I wouldn't have to take it, unless I got 'too out of control', and then they would drug me. I learned really young that even loved ones will use their own ignorance and weakness as leverage against you.
But I did break free. And maybe some of that struggle stayed with me.
I popped a few adderall (a version of meth, also called Speed) in college to pull off some all-nighter term papers; but the zombified feeling of meth never attracted me. I like who I am and how I think. And I never forgot that the drugging me was to help other people get through the day, not me - I've never had a problem getting through the day.
Just to nail this section home, if you are drugging your kid(s), you are an abuser; we can forgive our abusers but we don't forget the abuse.
And I don't want to sound righteous, I was a hassle and I appreciate that my parents didnt smother me out of existence; without the drugs I probably would have gotten smacked around quite a bit more, at least. But a better class of abuse is just, like, your opinion man.
So a few days back while working with @ecoinstante on her master's thesis, I laid out for her why I thought her professor's theory was bunk and how we should propose it better.
She said something to me, very catchy,
I thought about that, and replied that many people have told me something similar throughout my life. Parents, teachers, even some mentors, friends, classmate, etc you name it.
Alex, one day you will have to change.
Well, maybe someday, but that day hasn't come yet. I bend reality to my will - and I have accepted the 'unfathomable' consequences more than once.
And to my wife's great credit, she suddenly remembered how many people in her life had told her versions of the same thing, and how she has been proud many times to reject 'This is the only way things are done' type madness and still find success.
But looking around me, I suddenly get the feeling that not a lot of kids my age made it out.
This is where I get the pushback. But fuck your uncomfort, wake up, because your escapism is the problem destroying our civilization. The debilitating depression we feel as a society is a sign not to be ignored!
You are fat, lazy, dont get enough sun, dont get enough exercise, probably are pre-diabetic, dont see enough nature, dont grow any plants, don't drinknenough water and are watching our civilization go to shit. Yeah, we are depressed. But a happy pill is not the answer!
If you are depressed, maybe its because you conformed a bit too much. SSRIs are not helping, now you just feel better (or not) about your shit life.
Stop it. Stop defending escapism. Stop doing it to the children. Reject the PharMafia tropes. And do it now.
This part seriously resonated with me. The difference is that my reaction was far stronger than a NO! I've burned so many bridges and lost many financial, academic, socializing opportunities over this. I'm not complaining. here. I'm bragging. I'm proud to have kept myself from compromises. I have come close to breaking but managed to hold my ground.
And what bitter weight it can be, I notice Rorschach exploding at the end of his video 😦
This 'ultimate' consequence is real and present, but I do think that we generally don't get challenges that are too big for us to overcome. We exist at a time of accelerated evolution it seems, and it seems that being upright now will pay great dividends - for both ourselves and those around us.
Thank you! 🙏
The good part: At least you didn't get the "real" meth (methamphetamine)! :)
That kind of sounds like a "one fits all" solution. Those can be dangerous, especially in medicine!
Some recipients experience a benefit (20 % if the last screenshot is right). In some of those cases the benefits are bigger than the side effects. So I only agree to about 90 %.
But I fully agree with that: many of those kids have to take drugs only because it's easier for the parents or because someone wants to make money with them. That is really sad.
Yes, unfortunately it is NOT as easy as 'everyone should stop using these'.
But maybe everyone should stop thinking about this issue in the same way.
for me, methamphetamine is a dangerous substance to consume. I was addicted to methamphetamine when I was in college. I first tried it in high school. at that time not too addictive. but after entering college, my life was ruined because of methamphetamine. I'm lucky to be free from it.
Praise the Lord, you were lost and now are found.
I love this line.
I agree with everything you wrote. As we talked about, I think drugs can be useful, but it is used far too often these days. What should be a last resort becomes a first one because it's easy.
I also like what you said about saying the professor's theory is bunk and proposing better. That said, her response was unfortunately right on. In higher education, that's a great way to get blackballed out of the system unless you are not only very very right but you are very good at getting support from other professors who have a good deal of rank so that your professor who you said was wrong can't retaliate. It's all so political... As one of my prof friends told me the other day, being a professor is about trying to play politics long enough to get tenure, only then can you actually start teaching because you are safe. You talk about a messed up system that has become entirely corrupted from the original purpose...
Wowzers that was an intense read. Glad you are off that junk smack. I have seen too many lives ruined by these pills and junk they are pushing. They just decimalized Fentanyl heroin meth and cocaine in canada......I am hearing about the effects of this now drug laced society.
Where did we go wrong...why are we not rectifying the fundamental issue and stop putting band aids on compound fractures spurting blood and staining many lives all around.
All I can do is lead by example...
Just as you did, get of the crank and move into truth.
Thanks for your words and example. !LUV !PIZZA !HUG
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It's pretty bad, sadly this isn't news for me but still a great read. Very well put together !PIMP
You must be killin' it out here!
@cryptoniusrex just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @ecoinstant.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.
Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District
It was your fight and I'm glad you have won it and you have thrown this drug out of your life.
$PIZZA slices delivered:
@an-man(2/5) tipped @ecoinstant