HBD/Cent Liquidity Pool Active


The fourth liquidity pool of CENT Token has become active. As of today, I created the HBD/Cent pool. I added 209 HBD and 21000 CENT to the pool. I also activated the liquidity provider rewards. I added some bounties. I will add more rewards over time.
You can access the HBD/Cent liquidity pool at https://tribaldex.com/dieselpools/. You can trade HBD/CENT and CENT/HBD in the pool. There will be no problem in trading transactions made in small quantities. However, if you want to trade large volumes, you may receive a price shift alert. This problem will disappear as the liquidity in the pool increases.
More liquidity pools will be created over time. More liquidity provider rewards will be added. Cent's prize pool continues to scan for the 'cent' tag. Some time ago Cent was released with a variable price. Cent Token supply is lower than most Hive Engine tokens.

Announcements about Cent will now be made from @centtoken. @centtoken account, which becomes the manager account. Now, with the @anadolu account provide liquidity to pools, add rewards, delegation etc I will need to buy Cent for other transactions. However, it is planned to distribute the tokens in the next rounds, except for Cent. I do not aim to generate income from the project in the short term. Work continues with the excitement when the token was created. More enhancement and usability features will be added. Follow @centtoken. See you.

Useful links about CENT Token:
Here is a list of Cent related articles:

1.29791560 BEE

Pools at HIVE are becoming very popular lately. It seems like a good initiative.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0E-8 BEE

I agree. I hope it becomes a denunciation center. Because there is no such environment without transaction fees. It also works fast. There are many positive features compared to other platforms. For example: I have repeatedly paid $30-50$ fees for transaction acceleration on the ETH chain. As people notice such things, they will come to the Hive Blockchain.

0E-8 BEE

Yay! 🤗
Your content has been boosted with Ecency Points, by @anadolu.
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0E-8 BEE

Really good idea ! Being in the first tokens to have LP rewards will for sure bring people to buy it to put it in LP ! !PIZZA

0E-8 BEE

@anadolu! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @ykretz.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (5/10)

0E-8 BEE

Nice to see CENT paired with a stablecoin like HBD. Guess it is also good to keep some Liquid HBD in order to participate to such opportunities, but I'll need to go and remove from Savings with a 3 day cooling period.

0E-8 BEE