I have given up on chasing people who do not chase me:Week 207

Hello everyone, I welcome you to my blog.

It is another great day to be grateful for the gift of life and to participate in weekend-engagement topic about what I have given up in life.


What have you tried but given up on in life. Explain it, why you gave up and how you would have gained from it, and what you lost by not following through. Remember to use your own photos.

At some point in our lives, we need people apart from our family,the next people we see are friends, true friends, growing up, developing, and sensing the environment, people and their behaviours, we begin to understand those that are truly meant for us and those that are not meant for us, but it is really hard sometimes to know who to let stay or let go.

Trying to stay in touch with loved ones and friends is one thing that I cherish a lot. Then it got to a point I was the one chasing people and this hurts a lot.

I chase people for love and affection, when I realized I was doing too much, this badly affected my mental health. Before meeting these people, I know within me I was doing fine, so even if they are not there I will still be fine, I was just too attached to them and I was afraid of loosing them, where they scared of loosing me? NO

For the past three years, I chased people. I gave too much to them, love, honesty and my trust. I had no knowledge it could have any effect on me, until I started giving up on friendship, relationship and people in general

The efforts I put is not the same with the one they give. It would have been better when it is reciprocated, things changed I guess.It is not always easy because I felt stucked and that I couldn't live without them. I was scared of being alone and the fear of having no friends, little did I know that I could still survive on my own.


I stopped chasing people who don't care, people who don't remember me, and have excuses most of the time. People who remember me only when they are emotionally down but leave me at my lowest. I worked on my self esteem and knew I was enough. I might have lost so many relationships and friendships, it is different now because I have my peace and that is enough.

I miss that I lost a lot of people and I didn't find true happiness with them, but if they love me as much as I love them, then they should fight for me too. Don't make someone your whole happiness when you can do that for yourself.

Thanks to @galenkp for the topic

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