Deep in the past

21:09 blue pencil,paper and renal tea..
Recently I finished a book with stories and parables from China,Japan and Korea.
Some of them remained in my today I’m gonna write about this one called
-The sword that dropped into the water-

This men is crossing the big river Yangtze in a boat,and in a moment of distraction his sword falls in water.In a big hurry he makes a sign on the boat floor where the sword did fall.Eventually when the boat got close to the shore,in a hurry he jumps in the water going to search for his sword where the sign was..but of course he didn’t found it.
As this men searched his precious sword next to the boat sign many people can’t see the perpetual change in life and remain grounded in a past that doesn’t exist anymore.
I hope you liked this little story..I did remember with joy about it and made me realize once again that even if my body is caught in the daily routine my mind is far into an interior beach..a beach that is miles away.It’s an anchor that serves me no more then diminishing the reality.
What appearance has your anchor?

P.S: and 21..?

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