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RE: Here's How Hive Blog Earns You More Than Mining Bitcoin

A very interesting article detailing the potential of our blockchain versus Bitcoin when investing. The opportunities are many and growing!

By the way, remember that by publishing from the LeoFinance frontend you can have certain benefits. It would be great to see articles like this published from Leo's platform. Best regards!

0.00079466 BEE

Leo UI for publishing doesn't work for me it brings back errors when people click the link. I didn't think we needed to use the UI?

0E-8 BEE

Sorry to read that. It is not necessary but it would be advisable, as when sharing content we take into account that it is published from Leo's UI to aim for curation.

If you need help with that, I'll report the issue to someone on the team. I send you greetings!

0.00169144 BEE