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they are run by the exact same team.
so they are basically the same.
I don't care if one has more features and less fees.
it is the SAME team! Same back-end infrastructure. Same company.
just a different skin.
Faulty logic. Your statements lead me to believe you don't know the history of how the two business models came to be as well as you think you do.
I can assure you many others do as I am one of the many others. If you don't that is fine but you personally not caring about the different features doesn't mean they don't exist on one business model but do on the other, making them different. Pools/ Hive Leasing and fees are kinda important. For anyone reading this at current time the fees are currently equal at 0.75% per deposit/withdraw (Date is 12/20/2024). If your only task is trading a token, each model has the same capabilities in that regard and pull from the same information source while also giving a unique experience thanks to the different added features each model has.
Redundancy, see above counterpoint.
Skins, not an identical carbon copy. I was around when Hive-Engine was built and when TribalDex was introduced. I'm aware of the history of both. Less aware of current on-goings. I see no reason for me to continue this debate. All my points have been stated, I feel no need to expand on any of them. I respect your point of view and regardless of what model you use, I wish you success with it.
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