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RE: Ask Me Anything - Marky Edition - February 2022

Lambo is like the worst car to own. I'm perfectly fine with a Honda Accord.

0E-8 BEE

same, when I was helping out someone who had all these books one was about wealth building vs. rich and way all the way back before "social media" , Honda's were the numba' uno choice as it's not all : 1. looks like a Dust Buster 2. doesn't make one look like a Peacock because they get eaten by a Lion first 3. They have about no mechanical issues and great resale!
Since I'm a sad normie I only drive a dented in grey and purple Chevy that has Calvin and Hobbes stickers on it (the one where they pee on Ford or vice versa, keeping it classy) lol, am logging in at times to read some comments, laughing and being nice or positive or whatever seems to at times. fin

0E-8 BEE