This is pretty incredible. I waited over a year for a founders edition of the 3090 just so I can pay MSRP and not give any money to scalpers. I paid $1,500 which at the time was a steal as everyone was paying $2,500-$3,000 to get one.
With the announcement of the 4090 being much faster, crypto prices tanked, and electricity costs through the roof, 3000 RTX series cards are dropping in price. This price is unheard of.
If you are in the market for a top of the line GPU or want to get into mining, the 3090 and 3090 Ti are the only cards that are not limited for crypto mining.
If electricity costs in the US didn't just recently go up almost 100% I'd be buying these by the truck load. For now I am content with my single 3090 for gaming and machine learning. If I was in the market for one, I'd jump all over this.
You can find it here on Woot!. As Woot! is run by Amazon, you can use Amazon payments and even gift cards (I believe).
I have no idea how long this will last.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Holy cow I can't believe Woot is still a thing! I remember that from when it first came out like 15+ years ago!
Amazon bought them up a while ago. There are still some great deals but I only know when I see something on Reddit I find interesting.
Yeah I thought the same thing...."woot is still a thing?"
Have a feeling if you wait another month or two you can almost get them for free :D
I wish
$999 for a top of the line 3090? HOLYYY.
This thing still costs around $1800 here in my country, and I really don't see it dropping any time soon. Even if it does drop in price, it won't be by much. They really don't offer any discounts here, which is quite sad really.
She's so beautiful T_T
this is a really good price.

I did a search in my country and the best price is significantly higher
I didn't know Woot and so thank you
Very interesting. I have been looking at upgrading my card for a while now, but as you know it has been difficult because of prices and supply chain issues. I am currently running a GTX 1080i and it still does everything I want it to, I just would like to upgrade to something better :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
So are you mining?
Thanks for the headsm up! I found out the 3080 I had my eye on dropped down massively in price. Going to move some things around to buy er!
Even though this is cheap i just Cant seem to bring up 1000$ for a computer part.
You can do so much other stuff with that..
this card is TOO. FUCKING. BIG!!!
In all seriousness tho, that's a good deal for a great card. I just paid $529 for my 3060 TI 2 months ago and I love my card. I will be quite butthurt if the 3060 ti's prices get slashed too soon because our supply glut.