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Definitely hasn't felt like September with BTC. I think we finally broke the September curse, knock on wood... Football is always a great season with some beer to match.
I ditched most of my WAX last time it was up, and really haven't bough back in. That would be nice to sell at $0.50!
CHEX I'm going to have to take a closer look. And it's still weird that MATIC in POL to me, I'll get used to it eventually.
Any big weekend plans?
I wish I would have gotten rid of my WAX. It's all free money at this point, but more free money would have been better than less free money. I heard WAX might be exploring RWAs, so there might be sliver of hope. Just what I mentioned in the opening paragraphs. Are you doing anything exciting?
Probably some yardwork and watch some football. The weekend of champions!
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