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RE: Shill me a good Hive creator

You are too kind. I am just me. I do love to write though 😊 and I love to engage 😍 I sincerely appreciate your support @dreemsteem. I have rediscovered my passion on Hive. Your words, especially, mean so much to meπŸ’— But... I still think @themarkymark should consider you regardless. Your heart and soul are worn on your sleeve and shared across this platform on a daily basis. You give so much of yourself in your writing and in your interactions with others in the comments. Meaningful, meaningful comments that inspire and challenge, and nudge us all in the right direction continuously. And you have such big dreems to make life more beautiful for everyone on Hive.πŸ™If others can help you to achieve that, then in the words of Matthew McConaughy, I say to that:

Amen, Amen, Amen

6.4E-7 BEE

Hahahahhahahaha doesn't he say Alright, alright, alright...🀣🀣🀣🀣

Love you Sam!

But I still would very much love him to support others hahaha

And I've already told him that on other comments 🀣

I just earned 71 reputation ....WOOOOOOOT!!!

I'm super proud of that ..and that can't happen without amazing support along the way.

I'm happy for whale support to go to much lower reps who are needing that acknowledgement!

It makes a huge difference to them! Most are at the edge of giving up and when they get that's like...WHOA! I can do this!!! And it fuels them until more people come around!

So thank you!!! I do so appreciate that you regard me highly but quite honestly...that is enough! ❀️ Hehehe PROMISE!!!

0E-8 BEE