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RE: Week through Adrian's Lenses (18-24 May 2024)

Playing people was nice, it was the gap in the power of the decks. Constantly fighting Gold+ level decks in Bronze was insane. Maybe it is the lack of players. When I switched to Wild and even reached Champ league, I earned more Glint and almost similar SPS compared to when I was in Modern Bronze. So there was no going back at that point.

I am not a fan of bots in games in general. Bot farms extract a lot of rewards from the game, which lowers the rewards for all, and prevents the game from being enticing to new players. As for single bots, I think bots are just too good for competitive play. We already see it in Chess and Go, and other games. AI can find the optimal team and moves which give them an unfair advantage. Land is already supposed to give the passive gameplay.

0.00116997 BEE

Splinterlands is an evolving game, chess and go are not. So bots are way too overpowered there.

If we can't play against bots (witch are not AIs) in an evolving game, how are we going to compete with AIs for jobs? Looks like the fight is lost before it began.

Land is already supposed to give the passive gameplay.

Land, in this current stage, is a pale alternative for Ranked. Rental market practically doesn't exist, and that was a viable alternative in the past. Interestingly, what made it a viable alternative were... bots, not humans.

0.00000844 BEE