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RE: How To Beat A Market Bot (Splinterlands Plots)

These bots are really annoying.
I tried some things to outplay them on some tokens. In my experience they stop bidding at the current swap price in pools. With a bid/ask at that range you can make them quit and hope the next seller/buyer has a higher quantity to hit your 2nd order too.
But I don't know about the Plots and it's a higher risk of loss as you have written.

I would be curious what happens if 2 bots run on one token. They would keep bidding against eachother.

4E-8 BEE

There are not many bots but only few users doing in my opinion open market manipulation. If we had bigger trading volumes you could live with that, but in case where you have low trading volumes and disproportional bot market orders, they literally stifle the exchange and become the only ones doing trades. In a long run it will only turn away the most from trading on the engine. So I ask myself is it morally, right in this environment? Is it simply greed and then very unfriendly one? It goes bit against the spirit of hive networks and it is literally privatizing the trades.

0.00020871 BEE

I agree, I use to trade SPT and a couple other tokens on Hive-Engine but I stopped due to these bots. The market bots have hurt the over all health of the SPT marketplace. I hope the same doesn't happen to PLOTS.

4E-8 BEE

I agree, those bots are so very annoying.

Interesting info you added there, thanks for sharing it.

0E-8 BEE