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RE: Shill me a good Hive creator

Haha, you know i thought you were like a developer or something. I thought you suppose to be smart, lol. You really still don't understand this yet do you? lol. You really don't understand do you? Okay let me help you. So Marky i'm going to teach you something today.

How many users does the Pi network have? Over 29 million. They will probably surprass bitcoin within a few years. Next question how much trade volume did they have last month? if i told you they had less than bitcoin myk would you believe me? lol.

How many wallets do you think both pi and bitcoin myk has? Seeing that both really have no trade volume what would you say they are worth? You have any idea? Are you familar with metcalfe's law?

Next question what is the purpose of a currency marky mark? if the purpose of a currency is x, how much is that worth?

Is it ringing a bell yet? Why does the pi network have 29 million users an zero trade volume and value? What's it do? Do you know? it may be clicking now marky mark. How much did these 29 million users pay for a pi coin marky mark?

how much did pi network spend to get 29 million accounts marky mark? do you know? How many wallets and accounts does bitcoin myk have? Does it have more than lassecash? lol

My last question marky mark. is this a smart community? i mean yea it's people on here that make some money. however these aren't like vitalik or roger ver gavin woods level people. Why is that marky mark? am i missing something here? is it maybe because people around here think like you do? lol

You see marky mark your understanding of markets and systems are so elementary to me we not even on the same level, lol. It's like child's play marky mark lol

the only thing you can see is still some small obscure low liquid level exchange and some unknown social media coin for the most part, lol. or not significant enough to matter to the world. is that all you can see marky mark? if so you got a long way to go my friend.

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