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RE: Listing $PEPE From Ethereum On Hive (Engine)

O.K. That sounds good. You'll donate 7,000,000 PEPE, approximately half of the equivalent cost to set up MEME:PEPE and a distribution contract, after the pool goes live. You'll also deposit 2,000,000 PEPE to the MEME:PEPE pool for LP rewards.

Let me know if you need instructions on how to deposit to a pool. I checked and it looks like currently the only pools offering PEPE as part of their LP rewards are SWAP.HIVE:ATF and SWAP.HIVE:PIMP. Since anyone can deposit any token into a diesel pool I don't know whether or not you were the one that deposited PEPE into those pools.

I'll set up the pool and distribution contract later this afternoon.

0E-8 BEE

Yes and yes. Thank you.

I have done it before. Will renew contract for PEPE:HBD too and top off with some PEPE.

Probably me as I deposited PEPE into some, while some others have as well. Don't remember exactly.

0E-8 BEE