Just not me.
It's probably pretty obvious for anyone following my recent posting history that my attention to crypto has been somewhat limited over the past couple of years. There are many reasons for this, but mostly because I have been busy working 40-60 hours per week so that I can afford all the shiny things. It's only in recent weeks that I have started to dedicate an hour or so every couple of days to Hive/LeoFinance content creation in addition to my manic working life.
So in my journey to re-familiarise myself with all that has been happening on Hive and LeoFinance, I have discovered just how quickly things advance in this platform and how little I now know.
Like this website, for example: https://wleo.io/polygon
Am I the only person who didn't know that this website very easily allows one to convert their Leo to pLeo for a small fee? All via the use of HiveSigner? There's even a separate page for converting your Leo to wLeo! Who knew?
I'm almost certain that I am the only nublet who didn't know about this.
So though this discovery I was just able to very quickly set up a wMatic-pLeo farm on PolyCub. I seem to be getting better at this. Look at the beauty:
I feel like I need to get some more wMatic however as I have some left over pLeo that is doing absolutely nothing.
A casual 540% APR is nothing to be sneezed at. Let’s see how much PolyCub I can generate here!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta