3 guys walked into a bar....
Nah, there is no joke coming next I just thought that would be a funny way to start this article ;)
But let's just say...These 3 guys walked in, and they knew the owner of the establishment.
The first guy decided to try his hand in the kitchen. He had some amazing recipes he thought the bar owner would like to serve his customers and CREATED some amazing things!
The second guy opened up his phone and logging on tall his social media accounts. Taking pictures and recommending to all his friends and followers to check out the bar and these amazing creations that the first guy was cooking up! He was curating ;)
The third guy...Tasted the food that was cooked and wasn't thrilled. He thought it needed more of this or that, and took his opinions to social media and became a critic of the new offerings from the bar.
Now this is just an example that I came up with but can you see....How these '3 types' of people make up the community here on the blockchain?
Is interested in building! Their art may not be for everyone, but they want to show up, drive value in their own way and add some awesome experiences for others on chain.
May not be the most artistic person out there, but KNOWS awesome content! So they share it with their friends, they make lots of comments, they engage with others in the community that enjoy the content as well.
This individual can be both a blessing and a curse. The blessing comes from the ability to take their opinion and HELP the creator get better. They can potentially offer some valuable feedback on how the author / creator could improve. Which in turn, helps the curator share much more valuable content.
They can just slam the creator. And in a social media platform like this, leave comments that may even hurt the creators desire to continue producing their art.
Here's the question....
We all may have a little of each characteristic in our DNA, but in one weird way...I think this is what makes this blockchain so powerful. If the critic is treating their 'job' as someone there to help people get better, this lifts everyone up. However if they are just being disrespectful for the sake of it, it does nothing for anyone.
The creator can continue to grow! But being curated and getting their art shared with more people. The curator adds value by introducing their followers to something new and exciting.
And there we have it....
A win-win-win situation!
Am I dreaming?
Is this some fantasy utopian idea swirling around in my head....Or is this what real Web3 on this blockchain will look like. Where value maybe subjective, but everyone is winning at the end of the day?
I would love to hear your feedback on if these 3 types of individuals can thrive together here on the chain, or what must be done so that this can become a thriving community for all :)
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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I really enjoyed this perspective, I'm always curious why those who want to correct others behavior are so hostile.
Someone should do a seminar on constructive feedback and communication effects. lol.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks for stopping by WU!
That's a great idea...I might do one in an upcoming stream!
We really need all the three to grow in the chain, a critic can sometimes be our motivator
Posted using LeoFinance Mobile
Agreed! Thanks for stopping by the blog!
I am a critic.
This post sucks. 591 words. What did you write this while taking a leak. Come on. Put together a real post man.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I know...I need to step up my game!!!
I enjoyed reading your post and you identified well the three categories. Although there is a fourth you left out which is the owner of the bar. He might just be a business person and none of the other categories but knows how to run the business, distribute others in key roles and let them do their jobs. Of course, one person can fill in more than one role, as we see on Hive too.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Great point....Witnesses then? lol
Nah, even on Hive there are business builders. Not devs building apps, that's different.
Yep, needs 'owners'.
My view of them would be those who are simply investing in Hive Power (or community tokens), market making, providing liquidity and just generally helping to keep the lights on.
They're important too!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's more inclusive. I can find myself in this category as well then.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think I am all three of these :) lol
To be completely honest, I have the mindset where I can monetize everything that I do, visit, eat etc. And when I eat and I love it, I make sure to create content about it as well as share it with others. This also goes the other way around, when I see amazing content, I curate it and often share it too.
We need all three of these types to have a successful platform yet it's perfectly fine if you only master one or two of these things to have success on a platform :)
Monetize EVERYTHING we do...That is such a great way to look at this stuff!!
Yeah, but it's possible! I mean, when I make a drawing, I monetize it (sometimes twice even when minting it later) when my kid makes something great, I monetize it for her, when I go out for lunch, I monetize it, when I bake something when I watch a movie etc :P
seriously everything can be monetized :) Doing it is another thing but realistically, nobody has to run out of content TO MONETIZE :) We all have something we're good at, don't we?
Hi @jongolson!
I like the way you represent the creator, curator, and critic. We need these three guys to grow and move forward. When a critic gives his feedback, if he intends to help creators get better, that's awesome. A person can be a creator, curator, and critic at the same. And we need everyone!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Might be wishful thinking on my part, but I do believe a critic that gives great feedback could be the missing piece to Hive exploding :)
I am a bit of all types creator, curator and critic. For me they all have the same importance because the important thing is to create a fertile ecosystem in which they can grow.
For sure, a little bit of each works!!
These three individuals can sure make the blockchain thrive as you rightly said. It isn’t an easy task conjuring and creating posts or articles for people to learn from . Curating on the other hand helps in putting these posts into limelight which sort of brings encouragement for the content creators. Critics also play a large role in the blockchain. They serve as a watchdog to actually see if these articles are really consumable .
The 'reblog' is so powerful here, as much as a vote! Awesome to see others share different content with the community!
all these and many more sort of encapsulates the whole idea of web 3.0
I'm all three but I am more of a creator and curator, I can only be a critic to help someone get something right, not to come and pull someone down for the hike of it, that's just pure jealousy and it's not good for anyone or the blockchain and those who do that should learn to do better.
Posted using LeoFinance Mobile
Same, I try to help some people who come and ask, but I'll never slam someone for the sake of it.
That is how it should be and am happy you see it the way I do, we all need to be helping each other up not the other way around.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It's true these three individual are very important in the Blockchain. From the example you first stated it was easier to understand your point clearly. Theses three individual do need each other to stand. I would always say " Every individual needs someone at one point in life.". Meaning, someone else might have what you are looking for. Like the Creator, he might not know how to make his content visible to the world , but the curator has made that possible as well as the critic.
I must say This content is amazing bro.
I look forward to more.
Oh for sure. And you never know where your next follower may come from...A curator's job is like a connector of sorts.
Exactly bro
The curator is like a bridge that connects the creator to it's interested followers.
I'm more of a creator. Some are great at one part and not good at the rest. A few can be good at all three. We need a healthy mix of all three types working together for the Hive ecosystem to thrive.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I agree. I just need to figure out a way to offer constructive comments and criticism.
This is awesome! I immediately saw where I am in your categories, loL! But yes, all three co-exist and they all do something in making this ecosystem thrive (well except for the curse part on the critic) hehe
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
As long as ego doesn't get in the way lol all three can help each other so much!!
Oh yes, that's right. Sometimes when the big E gets in the way, things tend to fall apart.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I have a multiple personality being a creator and a critic, I am indeed both a blessing and a curse !CTP
lol I hear that! you and me both!
I think we can be all 3 at times and as a critic we should think to treat people as we would if we were in person. This can maybe keep things more coridal if it gets heated.
Thanks for some great thinking material. :)
Someone's art, may not be your cup of tea...But it;s still their passion.
Very interesting dynamics. I think that's how society works, on-chain and off-chain. I don't know someone who plays exclusively 1 of those roles 100% of the time so I guess we're a little bit of them all.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah I have yet to find one that just does one too...However if any, it would be the curators.
I know I am more of a curator, than a creator. And yes, getting constructive tips from a critic can add value as well. But we all know that haters gonna hate and they have their place on Hive too. Noone can get banned or shut down for expressing their opinions.
Nope, it's always on the blockchain :)
Yup! LOVE that! No Hive Jail. LOL 😀
I am all three, but I consider it in what order: CREATOR, CURATOR, and CRITIC. I tend to go light on the critiques ... I try to keep it encouraging.
Yup, that's my order as well. Seems to be working out :)
I like the role of the creator and curator. I often don't have much to say to be a critic, so I just move on because unless we have some meaningful to say, it's not worth it. Another thing that I have noticed so far is that when you are commenting, you get to be a curator and somewhat partial creator to add value in the discussion. Hive lets you do all 3 of them :)
Same with me, if I don't agree with something or not like it, I just move on. But I do want to develop a way to be 'better' at criticism, without hurting the creator.
I try to curate and create, I am not much into being a critic. maybe that is not a good thing , but that is my personality. Of course I have my opinions and will talk about them sometimes.
Nah man, you find your voice and your passion and you focus on that. Not a good or bad thing, just works for how you operate. Nothing wrong with it!
I think I am all 3 and it's amazing. Grow by creating content, curating content, and commenting on the blockchain. It's a social blockchain so it fits quite well.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It really does. I laugh when I hear about 'Web3' and Hive isn't mentioned...I mean, isn't this place exactly what everyone wants to build??
Yea it's the place people want to build but it's not what the mainstream media wants you to know.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I prefer to describe myself as forced to be a creator by necessity. I like curation. I only become a critic depending on the situation. Criticism should not be aimed at destruction but at further growth and development. If I will do it in percentages: 45% curator + 35% creator + 20% critic. 😄
That's a pretty healthy mix for sure!
Without the creator there is nothing to criticize and nothing to curate. Probably like rock, paper, scissors. Without ballance one will dominate and drive the others away.
Great way of looking at it for sure!
I believe the three types can survive but all three need to make sure what they are putting out is not destructive to the blockchain. For example, if the creator gets lazy and just produces the same thing over and over again it will have negative impacts. The same with the curator and critic. All three need to always provide variety in what they produce. I am trying to be a combination of the first two types. Take care.
Thanks for stopping by sir!
I think that's what is so cool about Hive, there is a niche, or market for any flavor! You can find some amazing things across so many niches.
I'm a content creator 99% of the time. It's what I chose right from the beginning. I wouldn't call any category superior to the others, though...
Posted using LeoFinance Mobile
Agreed. I'm always trying to create here but I enjoy the curation for sure.
I steer clear of criticising other peoples work because I know how much it takes to produce great work. But I do create and curate :) How are you going on your journey? reached your goal yet?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
100% agree! Someone's art might not be your thing, but their heart was in it.
Me? Hmmm. I would say that I am a mix of the three. Though, I wanted to be a more on a CREATOR and a CURATOR, I haven't posted any article for a while. LOL.
I do CRITIC sometimes - it's the kind of thing I am doubtful to do as I don't know how people would react/take it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think because there is a monetary element to votes here, people take it serious. Trying to think of better ways to 'not agree' or discuss a post without hurting someone.
Agree. I try to be friendly in giving out suggestions. So far, most of my suggestions have positive responses. :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
3 guys walk into a bar. One of them is into crypto and the other 2 can't convince him to shup up about it :P
here you go, completed the joke for ya :)
ha ha ha ah Perfect!
Can always count on ya'!
Being somewhat new to Hive, I think that all three are important but I can also see where any of the 3 positions can be abused without context. It needs to have balance.
Agreed. Needs a healthy mix and a lot of respect for each other!
I think that on hive the critic is different from most other social medias because he has a reputation to maintain. If his critic is formulated too harshly or is not accurate it might damage him. So he will make an effort to make his critic constructive and that is probably the reason why Hive is so much more positive (at least most of the time) than other social medias...
Dude it's like...The hardest thing for us to master here, figuring out the perfect formula where everyone truly does win. With no hurt feelings or thougths of 'losing'.
I’d rather be the curator haha
Yes same.. 😊
It's a pretty sweet gig for sure!
I think they are all good people, without one the other existence is not worth considering, it was a good illustration.
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Ah man, I was really hoping for a juicy “three guys…” joke :p
Still a nice read though :)
Posted using LeoFinance Mobile