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RE: Little by Little Does the Trick .:. #MyHiveGoals 2022 Edition!

I always save starbits when seasonal missions are not active. After all, I want a higher chance to get the instruments and I haven't gotten a single instrument since it started though.

I think I heard that PolyCUB might take like a month because they have to wait for audits. In order to speed it up by a week, they need to double the initial cost so they rejected it and they will just wait.

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Yeah, I was listening to the live stream about Polycubs, and actually, it shouldn't be that far from this moment as that audit was limited to around 10 days from the last stream that I was listening to... So, maybe we will finally see Polycubs live in February... But, you never know with this stuff...


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Well I do hope we get it in February but it does tend to get delayed quite a bit. In a way, I am also wondering how the price of CUB acts once this happens.

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