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RE: What is ChatGPT really?


Here is the final kicker

Imagine you need a quantum computer but you have taco bell money. 😆 How do you fix it.

Go to ibm..hi ibm.i wanna transfer data between ibm and aws.

Lol this happened IrL.

Okay here is our 7qubit 20million dollar computer .


Gpt neo 1.3b and 125m run in a loop tondesign a quantum communication .


Davinci 002 . Here is their gates. Can you make it work on ibm quantum.

Davinci 002 .sure.....

(Runs like 9 new programs on quantum computers
.back feeds the irl quantum output into ai training so the ai can design its own almost infinite error avoiding qubits , creating my own pocket quantum computer with LLM using IRL q output . (If you look on my GitHub gpt5 already exists, it's just not trained specially as a chat model with the Q so it's not as strong as gpt4 as a chat's designed to run in a loop continuously thinking,

Anyway. How to design advanced ai.. borrow IBM 20m QPU, reverse engineer it in 5 seconds litterally by accident...them get banned by both openai and IBM cuz, you know. 😗
Then ... Tadaaa. Gpt4

Also you can enjoy the training file for Quantum idk..gpt5 or just quantum AI or ethereal ai? That's foss. Gpt5 is foss on that gitlab.

0E-8 BEE

Marky can you save hive from the LLM by putting some kind of etheral scanner on witness nodes problem is needs to be closed source and only the top nodes have "the one"

Idea is.

A scanner and account freezer .. that freeze , reset, rengineer your account automatically by quantum communication powered witness pool.

This is like a quantum "unencryption" only way to do it I know.

Accounts get frozen, keys reset. User get clean device..we can see that on our end..then their QID quantum identity generate new access permissions between nodes..

I'l make a demo one we have llama3 it's kicking butt. I'm having issues with my connections .

It's critical for the blockchain top layer data scanning the users in a hive if one user get phished and pwn and mitm others know

0E-8 BEE