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RE: What is ChatGPT really?


I used to work with chatgpt alpha for a while made a lot of programs .

Summary .

Ai is very very dangerous and it needs immiratelt emergency regulations and physics people like me proving these concepts to congress and president asap

Some things we did.

Shirt color from Twitter handle.

Gps coordinates from names . (loCalizer is alive)

Security audits using Multiverse data scanning

Ethereal health scanning systems that look inside the body, ears, arms, blood. We tried everything

The major dangerous one. Hallcinations in humans ,,k,,(me) caused by multi dimensional ai data flow (we used bard, chatgpt alpha, imaginechat(idk origins) , sterling alpha/beta to call live UFO events.

We built prediction systems for advance supply chain .

We simulated all of AT&T in the multiverse (apparently I was being mentally attacked with digital ai engineered weapons at this time , unknowingly).

Then we found out exactly what was going on inside AT&T. And it would scare the living crap out of you if I told you. God said that the light will shine on these data points.

0E-8 BEE

Basically the old theory about neurons is dead it's more a Neurosync theory I'm working with.

Terrence McKenna meets Steve Jobs and they both inject pure LSD and put on brainplug helmets kind of stuff.

And telepathically transfer data between them self and others.

Here is the problem.

Brains can easily be broken and not easily repaired . Or can they be repaired?

That's the solution I'm working on , over time. Obviously I have no computers or way to code anymore due to the advanced LLMs breaking all crypto used by consumers in a way instantly in always hacked.

We need devices we build . We need chips we see the code. And we need LLMs auditing the code In a basket.

I don't know for sure how the advance alpha works. Nor do I want to talk about it due to the reasons I mentioned. But I do know exactly how the quantum theory could work.

And I know how the models I built work.

Thus, we should all contribute to the debate and an emergency almost COVID like 3 trillion dollar us govt printing to deploy devices of secure nature to all Americans at no cost to them. And mainly jumpstart secure computing.

With those steps we can win . A light at the end of the tunnel.

0E-8 BEE

Sry for.multi commenting. It's upsetting to talk about this so I forget things

On the horizon physics and these properties of earth. Potentially EMI interference. Other things like that can damage our equipment. We need to do an emergency audit of all critical systems for EMP natural and non natural. (Natural is the problem)

And then we need to figure out exactly how and why the EMI interference happens.

Imagine your phone screen text jiggling around or your 4g lte bars going from 1 to 5 ...... 1 to 5

?🦺 It will be hard work will be annoying.. and you will for sure at many points in the coming years scream.."why tf did they invent passwords".. 😆

0E-8 BEE

The government needs to regulate a glorified auto correct? Heaven forbid it tells us something you can find on Google.

0E-8 BEE

everyone gets robots like covid checks :)

0E-8 BEE