Make it easy on yourself by creating a weekly and monthly goal so you know you're on track and don't worry if one week is a little less. What I do at the end of the week, I calculate how many I have left until my goal, and divide it by the number of weeks left, so I can see that my average is a little higher or lower. Usually, you barely notice it though. I bet you can do it, and I can help you by responding to your comments so you will respond one more time, haha :)
Make it easy on yourself by creating a weekly and monthly goal so you know you're on track and don't worry if one week is a little less. What I do at the end of the week, I calculate how many I have left until my goal, and divide it by the number of weeks left, so I can see that my average is a little higher or lower. Usually, you barely notice it though. I bet you can do it, and I can help you by responding to your comments so you will respond one more time, haha :)
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