My Hive Goals (Week 21, 2024)

This is a short sum-up table with the state of my goals in easier TLDR form. The table has only a general overview, with details expanded in the post.

Current State/Other Selection CriterionGoals Matching the Criterion
Ongoing4 (52-Week HBD Savings Challenge, Posting & Commenting Goal, LEO Staking, Increase Grain PP)
Main Goals3 (52-Week HBD Savings Challenge, Posting & Commenting Goal, Land Plots Unlocked)
Goals3 (ZING Multiplier, LEO Staking, new: Increase Grain PP)
Main Goals Completed1 (Land Plots Unlocked)
Goals Completed1 (ZING Multiplier)

I include a link to the initial goal-setting post for 2024, for reference, if needed.

52-Week HBD Savings Challenge

A 52-week challenge following the popular model starts slowly and becomes increasingly more difficult with every passing week. The challenge is not at the beginning but at the end. That's why, we can use the easy start to prepare for the tougher weeks ahead.

In my case, I started with 1 HBD in week 1. This is also the step that increases the amount I need to save every week. The rule is, in my case: I need to add to savings the amount of HBD per week equal to the week number in the challenge. That means, in week 52 I'll need to save 52 HBD.

We are in the 22nd week of the 52-week HBD challenge. That means I added 22 HBD to the savings for this particular goal, and reached 253 HBD, without counting the accrued interest.

Here's how things look right now:

Note: You can see there is already a small discrepancy in the totals between the spreadsheet and what is in the wallet. That is because of some approximations and easy calculations in the spreadsheet.

I needed to use 5 HBD from my reserves to get the necessary 22 HBD this week.

It might be worthy to note that this week I've broken the 1 HBD in interest for the 52-week challenge every week. Just a small round milestone for a small amount.

Posting & Commenting Goal

I haven't missed a daily post this year yet. Reached 1802 posts published, with 203 left to hit the target in 2024. That puts the progress at 42% where 40.38% was needed to be in the green.

Here's the situation so far:

I haven't missed any edition of Week through Adrian's Lenses in 2024 either, and I mention this since it's also part of my posting goal. Overall, I reached the 72nd edition of the weekly roundup which debuted at the beginning of 2023.

I also started the week with 18,937 comments made. Ended the week with 19041, which means I made 104 comments last week, which is above the weekly average needed to reach the comments target by the end of the year.

Another thousand comments surpassed... Second this year. The number of comments matters only when they have some substance, though. So don't make the mistake of counting them and forgetting why you are really commenting...

I currently need an average of 96 comments weekly to reach the comments target by the end of the year.

LEO Staked

My LEO stake remained at 24,000 LP, with 3k delegated to one of the winners of the previous LPUD draw. I also took whatever liquid LEO I earned after LPUD and added it on Maya in the LEO-CACAO pool (again).

Here's the current situation:

If I participate in the future LPUDs as before, with 200 LEO power-ups, and nothing else staked throughout the months, this goal should be completed in October.

Splinterlands: Increase Grain PP to 400,000

Goal started in week 19.

What's the progress so far?

3 more grain plots became productive this week which explains most of the progress compared to last week.

Land Plots Unlocked - Completed

Goal completed in Week 18, with the following situation at the time:

73 plots were productive and 27 were still under construction.

Currently, 82 plots are productive out of 100, with 18 still under construction (still clearing).

ZING Multiplier - Completed

Goal completed in week 10 with 25,203 ZING.

Since then, I slowly grew my stash from staking rewards only. Waiting for sales.

My ZING holdings are now at 26,295.

This was the final situation when the goal was achieved, I won't keep updating it:

Want to check out my collection of posts?

It's a good way to pick what interests you.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

0.28271242 BEE

Your image says to Start working toward your Hive goals.

Every time I see it I start over. !LOLZ

WTG with your achievements. !LUV

0.00122182 BEE

Lol! You should know better... That's for people who haven't started yet.

But good one! Thanks, I needed that.

0.02397205 BEE

I hope you reach your goals as soon as possible. HBD Challenge seems quite difficult. But I believe he will succeed.

0.00121895 BEE

Yes, I think it is too. The first part made it seem easy, but if you don't think ahead, it can be tricky to accomplish.

0E-8 BEE

Congratulations on that HBD goal. Getting over $1 a week adds up over time and it was bound to happen since you would be getting over $4 in interest a month.

0.00109858 BEE

Thanks! It's not much, but it slowly grows. That's how compounding works.

0E-8 BEE

You’ve never lagged behind in your savings challenge
Keep it up!

0.00109497 BEE

Yep, that's a challenge I don't want to lag behind in. If I do, recovery would be very difficult.

0E-8 BEE

Hello, @gadrian. Great job on you HBD 52 week challenge! Congrats on your 2 completed goals and you are doing amazing on all your other goals. I reblogged your post as well. Have a nice week ahead. Barb !BBH !CTP #ctp

0.00097269 BEE

Thanks, Barb! Yep, probably the HBD goal will proof to be the toughest this year, and I don't want to let it out of my hand.

0E-8 BEE

Awesome @gadrian You will get it done for sure. I am not sure what "I want to let it out of my hand" means but does it mean that "you can't wait to get it finished" maybe?

0.00121664 BEE

Hi there good friend, first of all congratulations on your previous achievements. setting goals can be so motivating. I totally agree that breaking them down into smaller steps helps. I'm also trying to improve my productivity, and your goals are really helpful.

0.00098152 BEE

Thanks, man! Yeah, breaking down bigger goals into smaller chunks usually proves successful, as long as you keep in mind of the bigger picture.

0.00001346 BEE

Absolutely good friend, I'll always have the big picture in sight 🥰

0E-8 BEE

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0E-8 BEE