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RE: Is the concept of ‘valuable content’ subjective?

Cheers for the excellent reply!

I'm really happy to see that we do have stakeholders here that care.

There are many intangibles that go into making a community a thriving and vibrant place---some good, some bad

I do agree.

All that matters from an ad revenue perspective is traffic.

And having a vibrant community of people doing different things is certainly going to contribute to return visitors.

Hopefully moving the revenue needle over the longer term.

But I still stand by the fact that the most effective way to drive the price of LEO up, at least in the short term, is for those with stake to incentivise SEO structured content.

Lots of the highest paid authors here can write.

They just need to be financially incentivised into writing the type of content that will drive the most traffic and therefore help price.

Heck, they should be on board because their salary goes up!

PS. I see you've been linking to the Hive LeoGlossary page that wants to target the keyword 'what is hive'.

That's a super tough keyword because its so generic, but when you add words to the end of it like crypto, we actually already rank.

(Google 'what is hive crypto').

By now continuously trying to tell Google that it should be instead prioritising this younger, less authoritative version, we're doing more harm than good.

This is called 'cannibalisation' in SEO because we already rank and now we're just eating our own ranking haha.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.00275429 BEE

Explain. I don't understand this SEO stuff very well. But I'm pretty good at understanding when people tell me what to do. lol

What about the other Hive crypto out there? How do we differentiate from that? That's why I thought we'd want to make What is Hive to go to phrase since that is probably what most people will ask. Is that not true? If you say we're kind of starting over with the What is Hive link, wouldn't we still want to get that to rank? Hopefully it will be easier when thousands more users join next month with the new Leo UI. :-)

0E-8 BEE