Last call: Is the XV Token going to the moon?// Letzter Aufruf: Geht der XV Token zum Mond?


The XV tokens from @spinvest have been on sale for eight weeks now. Have you already heard about it or have you already invested?
If not, you still have until 10 May to do so.

What is it anyway?

XV is a token that can be bought for price of 1 hive. The proceeds are invested in 15 cryptocurrencies that are among the top 50 coins on Coingecko.
Coins will be accumulated for a total of ten weeks. Your XV tokens are your share. In two years, @spinvest will buy back your shares - hopefully at a higher price than 1 Hive.
Since it is assumed that a bull run will follow in the next two years, the project will take place now.

So the plan is relatively simple: Buy cheap, hodl, sell more expensive.

Detailed information on the project can be found here.

Procedure summarised / Coins

Source: @spinvest

After seven out of ten weeks (as of this picture), Spinvest have invested in these coins so far:
Source: @spinvest

Pros and cons

Participate in a bull run - virtually over HiveIn a bull market the plan might not work out, but Hive would probably also lose value in this case
In two years Hive could be worth much more - cheap entry right nowResponsibility and reliability lies with other people
The coins are rebalanced to make profits in betweenNot my Keys
People with more market knowledge take care of the coinsXV are not bought back
@spinvest has been active with similar projects for a long time and has certain credibility & trustManagement by only one person
List of participants and shares:
Tokens will be managed on offline wallet as soon as the 10 weeks are over/

As always, only invest what you are willing to lose. What do you say to XV? Are you already invested?

Seit inzwischen acht Wochen werden die XV Token von @spinvest verkauft. Habt ihr schon davon gehört oder seid bereits investeiert?
Falls nicht, habt ihr dafür noch bis zum 10. Mai Zeit.

Was ist das überhaupt?

XV ist ein Token, der zum Preis von 1 Hive gekauft werden kann. Die Erlöse werden in 15 Kryptowährungen investiert, die zu den Top 50 Coins auf Coingecko gehören.
Insgesamt werden so zehn Wochen lang Coins akkumuliert. Eure XV Token sind dabei euer Anteil. In zwei Jahren kauft @spinvest dann eure Anteile zurück - hoffentlich dann zu einem höheren Preis als 1 Hive.
Da davon ausgegangen wird, dass die nächsten zwei Jahre ein Bullrun folgen wird, wird das Projekt jetzt statt.

Der Plan lautet also relativ simpel: Günstig kaufen, Hodln, teurer verkaufen

Ausführliche Infos zu dem Projekt gibt es hier.

Ablauf zusammengefasst / Coins

Quelle: @spinvest

Nach sieben von zehn Wochen (Stand des Bildes) wurde bislang in diese Coins investiert:
Quelle: @spinvest

Pro- und- Kontra

Teilhabe an einem Bullrun - quasi über Hivebei einem Bullenmarkt könnte der Plan nicht aufgehen, Hive würde vermutlich aber in diesem Fall auch an Wert verlieren
In zwei Jahren könnte Hive wesentlich mehr wert sein - günstiger Einstieg geradeVerantwortung und Verlässlichkeit liegt bei anderen Leuten
Die Coins werden rebalanciert, um zwischendurch Gewinne zu gnerierenNot my Keys
Leute mit mehr Marktwissen kümmern sich um die CoinsXV werden nicht zurückgekauft
@spinvest ist schon lange aktiv mit ähnlichen Projekten und hat gewisse Glaubwürdigkeit & VertrauenVerwaltung nur von einer Person?
Liste der Teilnehmenden und Anteile:
Token werden auf Offline Wallet verwaltet, sobald die 10 Wochen um sind/

Wie immer gilt: Investiert nur das, was ihr auch bereit seid zu verlieren. Was sagt ihr zu XV? Seid ihr schon investiert?

! [Article image] Symbol image created with DALL-E2 // Symbolbild mit DALL-E2 erstellt.
DALL·E 2023-04-24 15.00.42.png

1.81630986 BEE

Wow, great review, I love your pros and cons, and you've included the links for buyers, too!

Let me address some of the cons:

  • not my keys
    It is true that the coins held in the XV basket are not directly owned by individual holders of XV tokens, so it is very important to investigate and be assured about who is running and investing in the project. Helpfully, you have put the link to the richlist lower in your table, so potential investors can check out who else is involved.

On the other hand, for just 1 HIVE (or whatever you have available), you are able to invest in 15 of the top ranking 50 cryptocurrencies - worth it for the learning experience alone!

  • XV are not bought back
    XV will be bought back by @spinvest at the end of the project (June 2025). Whatever the 15 coins are worth at the sell date will be exchanged back to HIVE and XV holders will be able to sell their XV tokens for HIVE. While the project is running, XV holders will be able to trade their tokens on Hive-Engine and the other Hive DEXs, in the usual way, if they wish.

  • Management by only one person
    There is a team of active people involved in spinvest and a beneficiary if anything should happen to the fund manager. Most of the team have been working together for nearly four years.

Deadline for purchases of XV token: Wednesday 10 May 2023.

0.00133072 BEE

Thank you very much for the nice feedback!
Thanks also for the comments on possible cons - that brings even more confidence!
I will add a little more until the end of the campaign.

0.00042812 BEE

Der erste ETF basierend auf Hive!

LG Michael


0.00116964 BEE

Ja, quasi! ☺️ Bist du auch dabei?

0.00146829 BEE

Dear @mima2606, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @eikejanssen.

0.00035560 BEE

Great idea, I have bought 108 so far ...

0.00114999 BEE

@eikejanssen! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @tengolotodo. (1/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

0.00036436 BEE

I agree, I'm so excited to see what comes out in 2 years.
Then you should be in the top 20. :)

0.00039501 BEE

Dear @tengolotodo, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @eikejanssen.

0E-8 BEE

Yes I think people will kick themselves if they do not buy any now!


0.00038700 BEE

Ich hab bis jetzt 150 gekauft. Bin sehr bullish für dieses Projekt!

0.00106082 BEE

Wichtig ist, dass die "Macher" vertrauenswürdig sind und das wirkt auf mich so.
Deswegen auch fast ein No-Brainer. Für Leute, die noch gar nichts mit dem Markt zu tun haben, zudem eine Möglichkeit einen Fuß in die Tür zu bekommen. Bis zum 10.05 lege ich noch etwas nach.

0.00036312 BEE

its a great project!
i already bought 400 XV
let's see if we can sell another 10k in the next 2 weeks!

0.00077710 BEE

You're good at that. I'm going to buy a few more. Let's see what's still possible.

0.00039059 BEE

@eikejanssen, sorry!

You are out of hugs for today.

You can call the HUG bot a maximum of 3 per day.

The current call limits are:

HUG in walletcalls per day
0.00038274 BEE

100 XV Habe ich gekauft,also ca 40€ das sollte für mich reichen 😉

0.00074878 BEE

Mit welchem Account? Dann solltest du in der Richlist weit oben sein. :P Ich werde bis Ende der Aktion noch ein wenig aufstocken. Am Kryptomarkt investiert man sonst ja auch mehr.

0.00046781 BEE



Ich erwarte im kommenden bullrun 2000% Wertzuwachs. Bin gespannt ob tatsächlich spinvest es schafft den Markt outzuperformen .


0.00087025 BEE


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@tengolotodo(1/15) tipped @eikejanssen

0.00037919 BEE

@mima2606 denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@mima2606 thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

0.00036875 BEE

so its on hive engine?
ya IT SHOUKDNT but ro be honest spinvest may have bad reputation for some reason in my head so i like this new branding

i think ill buy some

try ro pay the @wleo guys at people to make us our own generic site and ill give up for an ethereum/bsc site that only charges 100 to 1000 hive or large chunk of the actual token to add a token to bsc/eth

so u can pay 1000 hive or u can give up enoigh of the new bsc/erc20 peg of that hive token to sell to make 2000 to 5000 hive nuahaha so u will end uo oaying foubke or more in ur own tokens ethereem/bsc sales to avoid payong 1000 hive uo front

ive already talked with someone about paying 200 to 500 for the bsc/eth hive engine peg and how if i cant oay i know many he token projects that WOULD pay you to make rheir tokens bsc/eth and have the fork of the gateway

and its all possible with the WRAPPED HIVE wrapped hive engine github documentation all available on their discord

All code is opensource (, or so it's free, but I'm currently unable to offer "setup-as-a-service" (don't have enough time), but can answer any questions about setting up the bridge.

(their dev says anyone can set it up and even fork their own copy or the gateway site that has keychain and metamask all ready !

and ready for a smart coder to implimenr for other tokens ...all on their wrapped hive discord under wraoped hive engine the dev js too busy but wants others to reolicate what they did

either its that or use

Posted using

0E-8 BEE

this new token should uave a hive engine/bsc peg

aoeey for long comment but i need ro put it somewhere and it is relevant and i will buy some XV lol (sounds like nerve gas)

i wanna set up a new gateway for All Hive engine rokens and either do all the top he rokens at once free haha imagine they all wake up ro
working bsc and eth pega

or more realistically just setup our own universal qeapped hive engine gateway and metamask site and charge token projects 1000 hive each ro add a bsc/eth token peg and be added to gateway front end fork site

and or they can oay us in the erc20/bsc foem of theie own token when its added so like our devs/investors can just sell that on uniswap/pancake when they get their new erc20_bsc a d start promoting it etc

that way we can help a lot of projects on hive engine eho cant afford to oay us like 1000 hive for a bsc/erc20 peg to still start and get something working to go promote and get sold and then thats how theyll make the money to pay us in the first place

and we could sell a hive engine and erc20/bsc pegged token as an example of our work and the roken can be a way for invesrors ro actually get me the initial funds to pay a dev like you or <@586150977007255553> to Make the gateway in first place so projects start paying us to or using form on site ro automatucally have their tokens added ro a bsc/eth peg ...ans we then use That money to buy back the initial wrapped hive engine gateway investor token which will them just go up as we get more customwrs buying the peg service and cycle feeds itself

Posted using

0E-8 BEE

Exactly, the XV tokens are available at Hive-Engine.
What negative experiences do you have with Spinvest?

I'll have a look at the rest...

0E-8 BEE