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RE: Signalling for 20% HBD interest


Overall printing HBD should be considered as an act of balance from the witnesses.... with the main thing to consider the Hive debt.

At the moment HBD is in a great position with around 2% debt. Hive has been conservative in this regards for a long time. With the increase of the haircut limit in the next HF there will be even more safe room.

At some point if we get above 20% debt, probably will be a good time to reconsider the hbd apr.

0.00004430 BEE

That has to be balanced with growth. If there are enough use cases forming for HBD and the token is being circulated, creating a thriving economy, then the debt level will not be a problem.

Obviously, if that takes place, the amount of HBD required will be enormous, meaning the demand for HIVE will increase.

As always, it comes down to building. If project teams are doing that and incorporating HBD in, then growth will offset it all. This is where I believe the foundation of Hive differs from many: we have builders here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0E-8 BEE

I know there is at least one dApp that will be locking up a lot of HBD.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0E-8 BEE