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RE: Leofinance's daylight robbery [a call to action]

I started moving my BHBD a while ago. I had 440 in the queue and that is when they imposed the 13 week "power down". I have about five payments left now, but they are each taking about 20 days to happen. Meanwhile you know they are earning interest on my HBD.

0.00198675 BEE

This is not true

Each one is taking 20 days? Can you prove that or did 1 of them take a bit of extra time and all the others were on time?

Please provide on-chain links before accusing.

0E-8 BEE


There you go. Yes, the first couple were pretty timely, but the last couple have taken increasingly longer. The original promise was once a week. Then the promise was sort of a week because it is based on block times not actual days. It's pretty clear from the image though that a week turned into 10 days, then 12 days, then 20 days, then another 20 days. I've resigned myself that I will get my funds whenever I get them at this point. I don't doubt that Leo will make me whole, but at least take responsibility for the broken promises or misinformation even if it wasn't intentional.

0.00009611 BEE