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i would like to challenge you to help test and bring into being a better reputation system (part of The Matrix-8 Solution) and a whole lot more besides. Blueprint stage at the moment, but under consideration by #Lethean eco-system as governance system for it's upcoming DAO
i would like to see some Hive communities test this too for their governance, but first we need to build the software to enable it to go beyond alpha test. Ultimately it could be used, at least in part fir the Hive eco-system community governance, even more ultimately :-) for the world!
i invite you to read my Call to Action comment here and the Trusted Reputation link at the bottom.
@germangenius, @theycallmedan, @chrisrice, @stoodkev, i invite you too
Yes, Prime Minister - Power to the People featuring a similar idea is a great episode.
However, the proposition does not click with me. I do not care for a better reputation system. Reputation is not a number. Maybe a large vector but surely not a sortable scalar. My only proposition in this area is to avoid (mis)using it.
I also prefer stake-based approach to counting heads (accounts). I do not see a way to incorporate that in your proposed system.
Plus, you spammed every response in the thread you linked which suggests we might not be compatible (despite me liking the customised intro of the comment I am replying to).
I appreciate your response even though I pass up on that one.
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