It's Saturday again ! After a brief interlude last week where I thought spring might be coming, this weekend we're back to temperatures near freezing and water falling out of the sky in solid bullet-like lumps. Gotta love hailstones !
So I'm staying indoors, abandoning my plans of doing some gardening and writing my #SaturdaySavers update instead.
Image created by AI in NightCafe Studio
Here's my table of progress for the week;
Well, HIVE crashed again. Like pretty much all of the other crypto. I reckon it's just contagion, there's nothing wrong with HIVE as a token or blockchain.
My suspicion is that it's a combination of some FUD over economic news and the potential for increasing international trade barriers, together with deliberate manipulation of the price of BTC and other major crypto's by large institutional investors. The more they can persuade ordinary people to sell off and give up, the more quickly they can hoover up the entire supply of Bitcoin for themselves.
But despite all the doom and gloom, I'm not letting myself get worried by it. To me, crypto is like houses; unless it burns to the ground, the price only matters at the time you come to sell. I don't plan to sell out of Hive any time soon, in fact I'll probably leave my account to someone in my will !
Although I've kept up posting every day, my HP growth is still not on target, with average weekly earnings around 35-40HP but a need to earn around 70HP a week.
With my new business website on the verge of launching, I'm hopeful that I can increase from a post a day to three posts every two days while still maintaining quality. Whether that'll be enough to close the gap is an interesting question; I'm sure there's a point of diminishing returns where more posts just spreads the votes of my regular upvoters more thinly.
The reduced price of HIVE has bought my trading to a halt for the time being. To revive it, I'll need to but some more HIVE at a lower price and re-start the cycle. I did buy some, thinking I was buying the dip, but it was halfway through the drop rather than where it's at now. In the meantime, my trading account has a little bit of HP (originally bought just to make sure I had enough RC to process the trades), so I'm consistently curating it to the max to gradually increase the overall value of the account.
Something I did do this week was buy some LEO and BBHO. My goals for those are already looking far too cautious, but I can live with that. I've got enough BBHO stacked up ready for BPUD on the 20th, but still need around 22 liquid LEO before next Saturday's LPUD.
So that's how my week looked - how was yours ?
If you're not familiar with SaturdaySavers, it's a fabulous initiative run by @shanibeer writing as @sally-saver on the @eddie-earner account, where we all support each other in getting to our savings goals.
If you are one of my friends reading this (or just someone who tripped over one of my posts), I really recommend this as a great community that's well worth joining.
I'm normally very disorganised about saving, and the support of the wonderful people in #SaturdaySavers has been invaluable in keeping me focused. I can honestly say that without it, my HP would probably be half what it is now.
So join ! You don't have to wait until the start of the year. The best time to start saving is ten years ago. The second best time is right now !
Congrats on your progress! I love your detailed report and we are still early in the year so I believe you will eventually hit your HP growth target.
That's an awesome plan. Build it for the next generation!
Thank you ! I so often sit down with no idea what I'm going to write, let a few ideas fall out of my head and then have to beat the words into shape so they make some kind of sense. It's nice to know someone actually reads what I write 😁
Have a great weekend !