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RE: Hive Proposal Costs per Active User

I took all the author user names that made a top level post (not a comment) in a month and then did a unique so each username was counted once.

I have no way of knowing if someone used three different accounts to make three different posts, and I know there are many who do this. But at the same time, I also know many users of Splinterlands don't post and only play the game, so without knowing how much of each, I just hope they balance out to be roughly the same. Either way, it's just an estimate based on the best viable metric.

0E-8 BEE

Yup, got it, unique-ing the array is the way.

Based on "feel" and years of experience here watching, I think I would have flat out guessed numbers only slightly lower than yours, I was just telling somebody my guess was about 3K logging in a day, when it used to ~feel~ more like 30K in the heyday.

And I didn't take into account the gamers. I don't think about them much. From my perspective I suppose they are using wallets and making blocks with their play and transactions so they keep the chain and currency alive to a degree, but somehow that feels separate from what makes this place the special place that it is for all the other dApps and interfaces and communities. Sort of like they don't even really have to know we exist to just play the game, and in turn don't do much participating in governance or proposal selection or things like that. Pros and cons to that. Not the point of my query. Just an aside.

Again, thanks for the data. Right on time for me, my dude.

0E-8 BEE