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RE: Hive Proposal Costs per Active User

Not sure where u got the idea that 3Speak was funded by the DAO. You should probably delete that line since it’s not true. 3Speak has never been funded by the DAO and is run and funded by Dan and me out of our own pockets, and has been for 5 years now.

I like what ur trying to do here, but please do make it accurate otherwise people might start to think ur just making shit up

0E-8 BEE

What is the SPK proposal, I'll update it. I thought that was 3Speak related.

PS: I updated it to SPK Network as per the proposal. I was generalizing the project it was tied with as all you get is a username from the proposals pay.

0E-8 BEE

We gave everyone equal opportunity to own SPK, and even vastly throttled inflation so early adopters Don’t get much of an advantage. SPK did not cost the users anything. They all own SPK (except for the people who dumped their tokens of course…). There is a sustainable business model there where cash flows in for storage. I know it works since we will be paying in to get 3Speak storage done there in a decentralized way as soon as the project goes live. It’s in final phase of testnet atm.

So I’d argue there is a way to do proposals and a way not to. I don’t think it is fair to say SPK network cost community members anything when it is open source and is community owned and run.

Its value is far far beyond what hive community paid for it. It does decentralized, incentivized cloud storage for stuff u can’t store on chain and decentralized incentivized file transfer (amongst other things). Total budget was 750k usd over 3 years. That is insanely cheap compared to certain things being paid for that return zero ownership and most of which aren’t even open source.

0E-8 BEE