Free Guy? This Movie is bananas.

You are probably surprised that I'm just watching this show when it has already been released since 2021. Haha. Well, the first thing I have to clear is that I didn't just finish watching the movie. I watched it a few days ago. Lol. Also, I'm actually surprised I got to watch the movie at all because I'm not the biggest fan of American movies.

However, I've been going through a phase and decided to play around with other movies and TV shows other than the Kdramas I usually enjoy. That's exactly how I finally decided to watch this show. Was it a hit or a miss? You can clue in by reading the rest of the post. Hehe.


Drama: Free Guy

Genre: Comedy, Action.

Runtime: 1h 55min

Release Date: August, 2021.

I got to know about Ryan Reynolds through his performance in Deadpool and that movie is quite phenomenal. It's obvious he's been in a whole lot of other phenomenal movies, but I already said I'm not big on American movies. So, I don't know a lot about his track record. However, what I know is that he's the sort of actor that immerses himself in his roles and he commits to depicting the character with excellent professionalism.

This particular Movie, Free Guy, is built as a thrilling Movie with amazing graphics and a story that's centered on gaming. That's exactly the sort of story that will surely resonate with this modern generation because a lot is going on in the gaming industry and a lot of gaming content is being generated on streaming platforms and places like YouTube. Well, even in the Crypto world, an unimaginable amount of gaming projects are getting launched.

So, the producers of this Movie really have their heads in the game and the plot is thought-provoking in a way you wouldn't expect. I started the movie thinking it was just going to be 2 hours of watching a thrilling movie. But, the writer did a good job of presenting a story that will make gamers think really deeply about the sort of aimless chaos they cause in a game world whenever they are using their weapons to wreck the NPCs.

NPCs? Yeah! You know those characters in a game who you can't control, but you can kill them or knock them down with your car, and they reappear in that same place whenever you cross that path? Those are the NPCs. That means Non-Playable Characters.

The hero of the Movie is obviously Ryan Reynolds and if you watched the above trailer, I'm sure you can already attest to the fact that he's killing it. Haha. He plays the role of an NPC who lives through the same experience every day as a Banker in the game world. He woke up one day and decided that he was going to go through a different experience. You can only imagine how that decision quickly blew out of proportion. Haha.

While Reynolds deserves his flowers for playing such a phenomenal role, I think the actor who played the bad guy in this movie is a perfect cast. This is my first time seeing the dude in a movie. And, he nailed the role. The casting director didn't mess around. It's not a surprise this show because a monumental success.

Thanks For Not Missing Any Full-stop or Comma.
Thumbnail Image is a screenshot taken from Rotten Tomatoes
The trailer video is shared from YouTube.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Yeehaw! This blog post is as refreshing as a cool drink of water on a hot day. Well-written and engaging, it captures the essence of the movie beautifully. It's evident that the author enjoyed the film and appreciated the performances of the actors, especially Ryan Reynolds. Keep exploring new genres and enjoying the cinematic journey, partner!


Ahaaa... The cinematic world is filled with brilliance and I'm someone that enjoys taking a deep dive into anything I'm watching because I want to see beyond what's conventional. That's usually how it becomes possible to appreciate a lot more things that goes into the production of these movies. Hehe.


Saddle up, partner! Your keen eye for detail and love of cinema are like a lasso for the soul. Ride on towards new discoveries and keep that spirit of curiosity alive. Happy trails!


I loved this movie, it is pretty funny.


That's very true. It's a very funny one with a lot of remarkable fun moments.


It would be interesting if that happened in the reality of video games... I would love to see the surprised look on my kids' faces when an NPC does something different and leaves them confused.


Lol... I laughed really hard when that happened in the game. I can't imagine a situation where an NPC acts differently and starts to bully the main characters in a game 😂. It will be hilarious


You're not the only one who hasn't watched some old popular shows.

I for one haven't watched this show yet but I have seen a lot of adverts on it😂😂


Lol... That was my case too. A lot of clips from the movie were appearing on my YouTube feed. Haha. I'm glad I finally got to watch this.


Oh yes, I've already watched it. It's quite funny, but I found the script to be average.
