A Copy Of Selma - #ZapFic1OO

Hello Hive. 😃 I'm back again with another @drabble.club microfiction, that is #zapfic100, inspired by the prompt "copy of me" taken from @daily.prompt's post.

If you will like to write microfiction in 100 words, feel free to give this challenge a try.

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Selma was excited to go on her long-deserved vacation with her three friends. She packed, singing and swaying to her music while Rob, her husband, watched from his reading desk with a frown.

"So much excitement over a three-day weekend," he started to say.

"Don't bother Rob. I won't change my mind. Remember, instructions on the things our kids need are on the fridge." She grinned at the fearful look on his face. Since they've been married, Selma had never left him.

"Erm...I don't know if I can do..."

"Wouldn't you like to make a copy of me?" She guffawed.

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Thanks for reading!

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