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Phew! That was a long read with a lot of wisdom shared... Shey you nor go cut small wisdom for me so 🥲
I like how you laid emphasis on saying sorry and meaning it that you are really sorry... That's the major problem we are having, many aren't really sorry when they say it.
Like that concluding part... We shouldn't expect forgiveness when we haven't apologized, one mistake a lot of persons do and I'm one of them sometimes 🙈
I'm actually the one that needs the oil from your head, if it's possible my teacher😢.
Indeed, I made the emphasis because it is not just enough to say we are sorry, we should mean them as well, that's the most important thing.
Well, we keep getting better everyday, so, once you start working on it, you'll surpass it in due time
Thanks for reading your student and leaving a comment ☺️
Hehe let me not answer you
Well done
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