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Hope, I’m glad you agree that you have not seen it all. It is nice that you have trained so many kids. Although you are not a parent yet, you are experienced in that field. Nice, Hope. Really nice.
Beating a child always and you still see the child doing the same thing only means that beating is not the remedy that child needs. That child needs a friend, someone they can trust and as a parent that is your duty.
I tell you that some parents put in everything to change their kids. I understand that beating them is not the only method, but they try other methods too. They spend time trying to correct their kids, but it is another level when they turn teenagers.
These are valid points, Hope. You are really experienced in this field. But my point is that there are exceptions. Most times, it is the parent’s fault. However, in some cases, it is the child’s fault.
Hope, I grew up with soft parents. Although some of the teachings came with belts, brooms, and slippers, my parents were generally soft. Still, I didn’t turn out to be wayward.
The fact that I’m not a parent is the part I’d like to hold on to and rest on this. I believe we all know what is right to do and if we fail to do it, we will be the one to bear the consequences. Whether it is our parents that didn’t do their jobs or not but God is definitely going to hold them accountable for their children in the end, whether we agree or not.
Nobody starts something in a day not even children, it is as a result of constant thoughts or something they see almost every time. When we don’t notice that early we tend to correct them late and that might no longer have any effect because they are already forming their own beliefs.
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