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RE: He lives in us

Hahaha, so sorry I wrote a post under a post, hehe.

I see that too daddy.

Well for your question, the difference is that you praying with your family is something you all agree and it is not proper for anyone part of the family to miss out of it because it's what all of you or majority of you have agreed on and not keeping to that agreement is a sin to yourselves and God because any agreement we make, God has sealed it also.

Now the church is also a family but this time it is not a physical one but a spiritual one and you know it shouldn't be business as usual because we have Christ as the head. Now we have agreed as a church to meet at a particular time for three days in the week but we only meet once, that is not acceptable by man not to even mention God.

Mind you, I'm not saying it is those that are in every gathering of the saints that are more righteous, no, but at least they are not adding to their sin by forfeiting the gathering for something else.

If you are still not satisfied, I will suggest you DM me daddy šŸ„°.

0E-8 BEE

i don't quite agree to this that not going to church is a sin, it is not part of the ten commandment.... During the covid, there was no church service , would you say we all committed a sin for not going even though there was pandemic?

0E-8 BEE