The Old Rugged Way Is Still Valid. Exam Is A Test Of Knowledge

Being smart is not in it's right sense wrong, what I most often frown at is when one uses his smartness to beat the rules which will at the end make others who are sincere to the core appear stupid.

The system of education was not so strong in the sense that lots of corruption have already been in place. Many students don't want to take their time to work or attend lectures but they walk around from one lecturers office to another seeking for favour. Many of the ladies end up using their body to gain marks which is totally bad and makes the ones who put in their best to look as if they are just wasting their time.

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Fast forward to this time, Kai! I must say that mine own time is still better. Can you imagine just last month a lady was so bold to say that she graduated with a first class and thanks to her body that helped her achieve that. That particular matter was on the front burner for a long time and her certificate was withdrawn. Considering the system that is prevenlent in our days and time and how will want to make things better, I will say that students will do much better if the rules are meant to be stringent. I say so because, education is meant to shape ones life and help him to make positive changes, so if we keep making the rules loss that means a time will come when students will know nothing and we will be in for it. Imagine having doctors or professionals who can't defend anything.

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The traditional way of writing Exams where students are required to write what they know and not copy from others still remains the best. In examination it is not mandatory that one should know all the questions but is required to attempt as much as possible. Exams is a test of knowledge and it is just to prove to the tutors that you understood what you were taught. Learning is not complete in it's sense without examination. In this case I still maintain that the old system should be upheld which is for students to write on their own without the aid of any material at all.

The rate of moral decadence in our system today is on the increase. Corruption has just eaten us deep into our Borns and I so fear for my children's time. Presently I know of a school that the teachers and the students there are complaining bitterly that the Mathematics teacher is not doing well. This got to the point that the students fail their external examination.

One strong advice I have for the educational system is that the system should be purged. Let's go back to the formal way of learning and examination whereby teachers head to the class on a daily basis to teach the students.

Another advice for the system is that, anyone that is caught in examination malpractice should be made to face the law no matter who the person is.

I am also of the opinion that the teachers salary should be upgraded. The fundamental work is down in the primary and secondary school but it is so disheartening that they are the list paid in the system. The government should do her best to improve their take of salary which will serve as a motivation to them.

This is entry for Hive Learners Contest week 134 edition 1. Thank You for visiting my blog.

0.22024388 BEE

I also believe that the old education system was better. Now it seems too much easy!

0E-8 BEE

And most students are being so lazy

Thanks for adding your voice

0E-8 BEE

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👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
❤️ @nkemakonam89 suggested sagarkothari88 to upvote your post ❤️

0E-8 BEE

For me, the exams do not represent anything beyond someone's ability to memorize a text or a series of data, but that does not prove that the person is prepared to exercise a profession or carry out a trade. There are many other factors involved.

0E-8 BEE

Well, I have problem with lecturers who insist that students gives them what is in the handout directly. it should work more with the level by which a student can proof his understanding of a subject...

0E-8 BEE

0E-8 BEE