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RE: My Mental Health, My Priority

Yea I have a friend like that too passing through chronic depression for anytime she feels overly depressed she cuts her self.

I think people should be guided and educated on what mental health is and how to stay on track, and my dear you have listed the simplest yet a few guides that works for you and one can easily adapt.

0.00009708 BEE

I get really scared seeing someone harming themselves, I wonder how they feel when they do it.

Yeah, they are simple but sometimes hard to keep to because life will always give troubles 🥲

0E-8 BEE

I think they feel better at the moment before realising the effect of the pain the had inflicted on their self.

Using pain to heal pain🤔
Life always takes us unaware even when we think we are prepared.

0E-8 BEE