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RE: He lives in us

So not going to church means we don’t love God, not visiting your parents means you don’t love them? Even though you communicate with them on phone all the time?

That is human law, not God law, it is human that is deciding all that.. what God want from us to love him, he didn’t say we must go to church to do that…

Moreover Christians , Muslims are both serving the same God right? Are you saying Muslims are sinners for not going to church?

GOD IS EVERYWHERE . We don’t need a certain location to meet Him

0E-8 BEE

Okay, after reading this I know your views about serving God and I will just want you to study your Bible more and maybe some other time we talk about it. It's very obvious we have different opinions on this but the Bible has answers to all our questions, it's just left for us to believe it or not.

0E-8 BEE