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RE: Vybrainium Moderation: A Proposal

Yeah. I feel Blurt's platform already addresses the problems we've seen. We're just testing the theories here in a different way.

0E-8 BEE

That's cool - I'm have a more of a 'keep it simple, stupid' approach to eveythingin life.
Complexities tend to create more complexities.(unintended consequences, chaos theory, etc) KISS avoids all that.

I've also noticed the most robust systems, are the simplest ones. (that's why socialist/technocrats hate simplicity - they have nowhere to hide their subterfuge and machinations).

Is this new platform capable of splitting away from hive (another, separate, block chain?).

The reason I ask is that for me, at this point - I have zero desire to enrich the toxic pin brain authoritarians that hold the power in hive.
...If the Vybrainium was successful on this platform - that's what it would be doing.

These people need to be deprived of power, not given more ($$$).

0.03448294 BEE