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RE: Vybrainium Moderation: A Proposal


Well, it's an important question. I'm not trying to corner you in any way.

I like to start addressing it with a question I'm sure we should be agree with like "should someone who only adds a period in their article receive $100 Hive"? I think we'd both agree they should not receive that amount. They shouldn't receive anything.

Should someone with high VP self-vote their posts at 100% even once?

0E-8 BEE

Well, to answer this question, we should look at it this way? , is it wrong for someone to upvote his post? , I don't think so.
Is it wrong for one to continuously upvote his post?, this is where the answer seems to be difficult.

Again, is it encouraged that friend upvote his other posts respective of the quality of the content?

0.03459115 BEE