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RE: Vybrainium Moderation: A Proposal


First, I want to commend you @scholaris and your team members for this well-thought-out tribe.

ON The Downvote and aspect,

If there can be an option to protest downvote, it will go a long way to help fight off downvote abuse. it should come in such a way that if a writer appeals against a downvote and the appeal was reviewed, and it came out that he was downvoted wrongly, he should be compensated while the person who downvoted him wrongly will be punished, perhaps muted for a week or so. ( if the person happens to be a newbie, the community should consider it as an error and then warn him) if the reverse happens to be the case, the writer is further punished for the extra effort the moderator made in investigating his complaint.

On Engagement Aspect.

Can it be possible that users of this new tribe will be given a minimum monthly expected number of Comments? This can increase engagement.

can there be a word prompt that once used on a post by other writers will notify moderators about a particular post.

0.03629340 BEE

Can there be a countermeasure for contents of poor quality that cannot be classified under plagiarism but received huge upvotes from Friends?

That's a slippery slope, my friend. I will start this particular discussion first by asking you a question:

What is the most someone should make on an article?

0.00005932 BEE

Lol. I take this back.

0E-8 BEE

There won't be down vote on the Verify Your Brain new tribe.

0E-8 BEE