I woke up early this morning at about few minutes after 12am. The first thing i realized was that the electricity unit restored light. My kids were deeply asleep as i stood up gradually to put the things on charging. Immediately after that, i had to seek for God's direction on the next assignment for the day.

When my kids finally woked up, we were able to observe the morning devotional where my wife took the lead. It was such a wonderful session as the kids were very excited to participate and contribute their quota. The passage really taught me personally lots of lessons especially as i project into 2025. I learnt to be watchful and vigilant. It was truly a timely topic and quite challenging for the kids.

After the devotion, we exchanged pleasantries with the kids and told them to carry out their routine activities before any other things like breakfast etc. As my wife was attending to the meal for breakfast, i quickly switched to ensure that i typed my first write up for the day. I dropped my post in hive learner's community. Towards afternoon, i stepped out t go buy some things that we would use during the outreach.

This really took out time from me such that the people that came to visit me had to wait patiently for my return. One of rhe things that almost affected was hunger. I couldn't eat very well in the morning till evening where swallow was prepared and served.
I couldn't waste any time than to just eat the food in a rush.

Later i retired with my kids to the room where i jad to tidy up and evaluate how i spent my day. Whenever you want to live a fulfilled life, one must deliberately try to have a planned schedule. This is one of the ways to eliminate distractions. What a day!!! Well spent.

I have been able to do my cleaning planet in the course of the day and here are the pictures;

Thanks @solarisfuture @cleanyourcity

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to clean our community is somewhat our responsibility because we will suffer the consequence if we don't clean 🥰

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Thanks for your input

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